生命讀經 Acts
1. The Position of the Book
- Where does the book of Acts stand among all the books of the Bible, that is, what is the position of the book of Acts in the Scriptures?
- Where is Christ today?
2. The Subject of the Book
- What is the subject of the book of Acts? (Cite appropriate verses to support your answer.)
- How are Christ's propagation, the churches, and the kingdom of God related?
3. Introduction and the Preparation (1)
- How did the Lord prepare His disciples in the three and a half years before His crucifixion?
- How did the Lord Jesus train His disciples after His resurrection?
4. Introduction and the Preparation (2)
- What is the kingdom of God? What is the kingdom of God to you?
- Why did the disciples need a dispensational transfer? Why do we need a dispensational transfer?
5. Introduction and the Preparation (3)
- How could one hundred twenty people pray together in one accord for ten days? Why should we pray for what God has already promised?
- According to Acts 1:22, what was the focus of the disciples' witnessing? What is your focus when you speak of Christ to others?
6. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (1)
- What is the significance of the type of Pentecost?
- What is the unique blessing of the gospel according to Galatians 3:14 and Philippians 1:19? Do we have to wait for it?
7. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (2)
- What is the difference between the essential and economical aspects of the Spirit?
- How does the Scripture use two different Greek words refer to the filling of the Spirit in the two aspects?
8. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (3)
- Based on Acts 2:4, how can we say that not all spoke in tongues?
- What was the genuine tongues-speaking in Acts 2?
9. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (4)
- What are the two keys of the kingdom in Matthew 16:19 and when were these two keys used?
- Using both the Old and New Testaments, show that God's desire is for His people to call on His name.
10. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (5)
- What is God's involvement with the man Jesus in His work and His death?
- What is God's involvement with the man Jesus in His resurrection and His ascension?
11. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (6)
- What are the two aspects of baptism and why do we need both?
- Expound upon Acts 2:40, "Be saved from this crooked generation." From what and how can people be saved?
12. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (7)
- How many teachings and fellowships did the early church have in Acts 2:42 and what are they? How many should the church have today?
- In what place did the early church meet? How often did they meet?
13. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (8)
- What was Peter's burden in his gospel preaching in Acts 3?
- What are five items of Christ in His death and resurrection presented by Peter in this second gospel message?
14. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (9)
- How may we enjoy a season of refreshing from the Lord’s presence?
- In what way did God send the ascended Christ to the people?
15. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (10)
- What aspect of Christ as the Healer did Peter present in chapter four of Acts?
- Acts 4:11 uses the words "stone" and "builders." What is this "stone" and what is being built?
16. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (11)
- How was Peter able to present the Lord Jesus as the stone in Acts 4:11 and the living stone in 1 Peter 2:4?
- How can we see Christ as the building stone in both the Old Testament and the New Testament?
17. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (12)
- What was it in the early church that cause the saints to have all things in common? Use Acts 4:33-35.
- What was the root of the sin of Ananias and Sapphira? Why do we need to be careful of that same root today?
18. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (13)
- What were "all the words of this life" that Peter was charged to preach in Acts 5:20? How should this impact our speaking today?
- What is the significance of the Lord Jesus being the Leader and Savior?
19. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (14)
- What were the qualifications for the seven serving ones? How was their appointment a pattern for us today?
- What is the faith referred to in Acts 6:7?
20. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (15)
- How did the change of dispensation stir up opposition?
- How was there a transition in making the dispensational transfer and how are we also in a position of transition today?
21. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (16)
- What is the operation of the God of glory in both Stephen's testimony and during the time of his stoning?
- What is the result of the persecution against the church in Jerusalem and the believers being scattered in Acts 8:1?
22. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (17)
- What can we learn about migration through the scattering of the saints in Acts chapter 8?
- What was the gospel that Philip was preaching in Acts chapter 8?
23. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (18)
- Why was it necessary for Peter and John to come to lay hands on the believers in Samaria?
- What is the principle to learn from Acts 8:26 in the Spirit calling away Philip?
24. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (19)
- What led Philip to preach to the eunuch? To whom must we listen for guidance today?
- Using the record in Acts 8, answer the great debate: what is the significance of water and spirit baptism? Which is essential?
25. The Conversion of Saul (1)
- What are four particular matters related to Saul’s being met by the Lord?
- What are three striking points in Saul’s being confirmed through Ananias?
26. The Conversion of Saul (2)
- Why are the Lord's words: “I am Jesus” and “Why are you persecuting Me?” so important?
- What is the significance of Paul being a “chosen vessel”?
27. The Conversion of Saul (3)
- What are the two main aspects of the all-inclusive Christ in Acts 9:20 and 22? Why must we emphasize these two aspects when we preach the gospel?
- What are three mistaken beliefs concerning Christ's humanity and how can we refute these beliefs using the Scriptures?
28. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (20)
- How was the church being built up and multiplied in Acts 9?
- How did the Lord carry out His work in Saul, Ananias, Cornelius, and Peter?
29. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (21)
- Using verses from Acts 10, prove that God only moves through men who pray and who have a habit of praying.
- What is the pattern for us today in Acts 10:24?
30. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (22)
- Using Peter's preaching in Acts 10, prove that fearing God and doing works of righteousness are insufficient to be saved. What is required to be saved?
- What two verses in Acts use the term, "baptism of the Spirit"? What was accomplished at these two times?
31. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (23)
- What six eternal matters are accomplished facts for us to apply?
- Based on the record in Acts, how can we say that the baptism of the Spirit was fully accomplished in two sections?
32. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (24)
- What is the meaning of the expression "repentance unto life" in 11:18?
- Why is there the need for a dispensational transfer?
33. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (25)
- How did the Lord take a further step for His move to the Gentiles in Acts 11 following what happened at the house of Cornelius?
- How did God sovereignly prepare Saul to carry His New Testament economy to the Gentile world? How was Saul's being produced through Jerusalem related to preserving the oneness in the one stream?
34. The Propagation in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Through the Ministry of Peter’s Company (26)
- What were the reasons why Luke inserted a parenthetical section concerning Peter in Acts 12:1-24?
- What was happening "behind the scenes" as Peter was being released from prison? What can we learn about prayer in this section of Acts?
35. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (1)
- Use Acts 13:1 to prove that the church today should be composed of many different kinds of people, people of different cultures, races, and status
- According to Act 13:1-5, what is the organic way of the Body to raise up full-time workers for the Lord, and to provide for their support?
36. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (2)
- Who is the "Me" in Acts 13:2?
- How were the five sending brothers one with the Spirit and with the sent ones in Acts 13:3-4?
37. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (3)
- Why did Paul and Barnabas go into the Jewish synagogue on the Sabbath day?
- What is the difference between Christ as the only begotten Son and the firstborn Son?
38. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (4)
- What are the holy and faithful things of David? How are they the grace in Acts 13:43 that we experience in our daily life?
- How can we say that the life-giving Spirit is an all-inclusive “sandwich” for our enjoyment?
39. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (5)
- What is the word of His grace that the Lord testified in Acts 14:3? What are some examples of the word of the Lord's grace in the Old Testament?
- How did Paul's preaching of the gospel in Acts chapter 14 differ from his preaching in Acts chapter 13?
40. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (6)
- What does it mean for Paul and Barnabas to entreat the disciples to "continue in the faith" in Acts 14:22?
- What is the kingdom of God that Paul and Barnabas told the disciples to enter into? What does it mean to enter into this kingdom?
41. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (7)
- How is teaching believers to be circumcised a heresy, specifically annulling the death of Christ? Use Scripture references to prove your answer.
- Who presided over the conference in Acts 15? Use verses to prove your point
42. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (8)
- Contrast James' use of the Old Testament in Acts 15 to the apostle Paul's. How was James use incorrect and mixing up God's dispensations?
- How was the solution in Acts 15 really a compromise? What damage did this cause to God's move later? Is God happy when we compromise the truth to appease others?
43. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (9)
- What was the cause of the contention between Paul and Barnabas?
- Why did Paul in Acts 16 circumcise Timothy?
44. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (10)
- How does Acts 16 show us a new move in God's New Testament economy?
- What is the significance of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus?
45. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (11)
- How did the Lord gain the first house in Europe through His gospel and for His gospel?
- In Acts 16 how did the jailer and his household believe, get baptized and brought into the fellowship of the Body of Christ?
46. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (12)
- Concerning what did Paul reason with those in the synagogue from the Scriptures? How did Paul reason?
- What was Paul's spirit provoked by in Athens?
47. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (13)
- In what sense did Paul call the Athenians sons of God who live and breathe in Him? Contrast that with believers.
- Paul changed how he preached when to Hebrews or to Epicureans or to Stoics, yet his message was the same. What was the core of Paul's message to the Jews and Greeks?
48. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (14)
- What is the principle we should learn from Paul making tents in the midst of his gospel journey in Acts 18:3?
- Why did Paul go out of his way to stop in Jerusalem at the end of his second gospel journey?
49. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (15)
- What was Paul’s way of preaching? What is our job in preaching?
- Where does the power for gospel preaching come from?
50. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (16)
- What was the way of God that Priscilla and Aquila must have expounded to Apollos?
- What lesson can we learn from the case of Apollos?
51. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (17)
- Why did Paul purpose in his spirit to go to Jerusalem? What was Paul's burden for Jerusalem?
- Why must we see the Lord's up-to-date move in His economy?
52. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (18)
- What was the result of Paul's prevailing ministry in Ephesus? What principle and pattern does Acts 19:23-41 show us?
- What was the "poison" that Paul was burdened to deal with which was from the source in Jerusalem?
53. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (19)
- Why did Paul face such opposition from the religion of his day, when Peter and James, who came before him, did not?
- According to Acts 20:28, what is the function of elders? Who appoints them? Should there be bishops over them?
54. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (20)
- How can we say that God, Who is eternal, shed His blood and died? Why is this important to us?
- According to Mark 15:34, God left Jesus on the cross. Did Jesus lose His godhood then such that only a man died on the cross? If not, Who left Him?
55. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (21)
- What are the functions of the Word of God's grace in Acts 20:32 and how can we be constituted with the Word of God's grace?
- As those burdened to carry out God's New Testament economy, how can we respond to the Lord?
56. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (22)
- What principle can we see from the Spirit’s repeated warnings to Paul through the members of the Body?
- What was the mixture of God’s New Testament economy with the Old Testament dispensation exposed in Acts 21? How can we see God's sovereignty in His dealing with it?
57. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (23)
- How did the Lord protect Paul, His faithful servant, from the terrible mixture of New Testament grace with the Old Testament law in Judaism?
- Describe how the Lord in His sovereignty caused Paul to have a dispensational transfer.
58. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (24)
- Based on the contents of this message, prepare a brief summary of the entire revelation in the New Testament.
- How can we say that James did not have a clear vision of the Body?
59. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (25)
- In this message and the passage of Acts that it relates to, how do we see the Lord's intolerance, sovereignty, and sympathy?
- What may be one significant reason why the Lord, in His sovereignty, allowed Paul to be placed in Roman custody?
60. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (26)
- How do we see the matter of being initiatied into the identification with the Body of Christ in the case of Saul and Ananias?
- What lesson can we learn from the cautious way that Paul presented his experience on the way to Damascus in Acts 22?
61. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (27)
- Explain how baptism is a great transfer.
- According to this message, what are some wonderful benefits that we can receive from calling on the name of the Lord?
62. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (28)
- What does it mean to conduct ourselves in all good conscience before God?
- What is the significance of being a minister and a witness?
63. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (29)
- What is the significance of the resurrection of the righteous and the resurrection of the unrighteous?
- In these chapters of Acts, how do we see a picture of hypocrisy in religion and corruption in politics?
64. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (30)
- What were the two ways that Paul received revelation from the Lord?
- Why is it so crucial for us to read and appreciate the last eight Epistles written by Paul?
65. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (31)
- Describe the disappointing situation concerning the church in Jerusalem. How was it related to the eventual destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70?
- How can we see Paul's vision of God's New Testament economy?
66. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (32)
- What is the significance of Paul's appeal to Caesar?
- How is Paul an example of a witness of Christ?
67. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (33)
- What are the four crucial Epistles concerning the dispensational transfer? What is significant about each one in this regard?
- Where are you in relation to the carrying out of God's New Testament economy? What is on your heart? What have you seen as a heavenly vision regarding the divine economy?
68. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (34)
- What is the importance of the resurrection as described in this message?
- What is the significance of being a witness of the things in which we see Christ?
69. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (35)
- What were the contents of Paul's commission?
- What does it mean to not be disobedient to the heavenly vision?
70. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (36)
- How do we see Satan's attack and the Lord's sovereign care in the account of Paul's voyage?
- In his narration as an account of the Lord's move on earth, what is Luke's purpose in not stressing doctrine but the testimony of the Lord's witnesses?
71. The Propagation In Asia Minor And Europe Through The Ministry Of Paul’s Company (37)
- How do we see Jesus living again on the earth in the account of Paul's voyage and shipwreck?
- Describe how Paul, in his arrival in Italy, came into another part of the participation in the church's Body life in the kingdom of God on earth.
72. A Concluding Word
- What is so significant about the portrait of Paul's living in Acts 27—28?
- Explain why without Paul's experience of the events recorded in Acts 15—28 he could not have written Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Hebrews in such a thorough way.