Study questions
Life-Study of Luke
1. Introduction, Subject, and Contents of the Gospel (1)
- What is the subject of the Gospel of Luke?
- What are five characteristics that describe the Man-Savior in Luke’s Gospel?
2. Introduction, Subject, and Contents of the Gospel (2)
- What are seven aspects of the contents of the Gospel of Luke?
- What is the highest standard of morality? What does it mean to say that the Man-Savior’s salvation is in the highest standard of morality?
3. The Preparation of the Man-Savior in His Humanity with His Divinity (1)
- How was John the Baptist conceived? How does the function of the Holy Spirit differ between the conception of John the Baptist and that of the Man-Savior?
- What are the two sources and two essences of the Lord Jesus?
4. The Preparation of the Man-Savior in His Humanity with His Divinity (2)
- In Luke 1, what was the significance of Elizabeth’s blessing of "the fruit" (v. 42) of Mary’s womb and also as "my Lord"(v. 43)?
- How did Mary offer praise to God? What does it mean to magnify the Lord?
5. The Preparation of the Man-Savior in His Humanity with His Divinity (3)
- What is the meaning and significance of the name John; why was he not named after his father?
- What is the content and character of Zechariah's prophecy at his son John's birth?
6. The Preparation of the Man-Savior in His Humanity with His Divinity (4)
- Give three verses from Luke 2 that show that Jesus was a proper and genuine man; supply expositions for each.
- Why did Jesus need to be filled with wisdom and the grace of God? If He needed it, do you?
7. The Preparation of the Man-Savior in His Humanity with His Divinity (5)
- How do we see the Man-Savior's inauguration in Luke 3?
- Why was it necessary for Jesus to be baptized? What was the result?
8. The Preparation of the Man-Savior in His Humanity with His Divinity (6)
- What is the significance of the Man-Savior's baptism and how does that apply to our Christian experience?
- What is the significance of the Man-Savior’s anointing and how does this relate to the two aspects of the Spirit and to our experience?
9. The Preparation of the Man-Savior in His Humanity with His Divinity (7)
- How can we say that the Lord's genealogy, as presented in the gospel of Luke, is ours?
- Why was the Man-Savior led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted? Why must the Lord Jesus take the standing of a man to confront Satan?
10. The Preparation of the Man-Savior in His Humanity with His Divinity (8)
- How does someone become a God-man? Why does God intend to have a God-man?
- What does it mean for the Lord Jesus to be the One in the highest standard of morality?
11. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes in Galilee (1)
- Using examples from Luke, explain what it means to minister in human virtues with divine attributes.
- Exactly when did the dispensation of grace begin? Using the type of Leviticus 25, expound on what this jubilee of grace is to us today?
12. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes in Galilee (2)
- How does Luke 5:1—6:11 give us a composite picture of fallen human beings?
- What occupied Peter, James, and John before Jesus called them? Why did they leave that to follow Him? What occupied you?
13. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes in Galilee (3)
- Why is the jubilee the rich, whole, and real gospel? What have sinners lost?
- From the case of cleansing the leper how can we see that the Man-Savior's salvation was in the highest standard of morality—His human virtues expressing His divine attributes?
14. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes in Galilee (4)
- What are four characteristics of blessed people?
- What is the secret of living the kind of life described in Luke 6:17-49?
15. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes in Galilee (5)
- What touched you concerning the Lord's teaching in Luke 6:17-49? What is your view of the highest standard of morality after reading this passage?
- How do we know that the Lord's teaching in Luke 6:17-49 is based on the elements of the divine life and the divine word?
16. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes in Galilee (6)
- Where do we see the Lord's human virtues with His divine attributes in the case of curing the centurion's slave? What is your impression of the Lord's authority and His word of authority?
- Where do we see the Lord's human virtues with His divine attributes in the case of the raising up of the the widow's son?
17. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes in Galilee (7)
- Does the Savior forgive us because of our love to Him? If not that, because of what and why?
- Why can peace only come from God? How can we experience this peace?
18. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes in Galilee (8)
- What are the four kinds of hearts revealed in the parable of the sower? What kind do you have?
- Describe the spiritual significance of the order of sections in Luke 8. What is the key to being in the Lords family?
19. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes in Galilee (9)
- How can we apply the Lord’s rebuking the storm to our own journey?
- What does the merging of the cases of healing of a woman with a flow of blood and raising up of a dead girl signify?
20. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes in Galilee (10)
- How can we see to the spreading of the jubilee in Luke 9?
- How is the emphasis in Luke's record of the feeding of the five thousand in Luke 9 different from that in the Gospel of John, chapter 6?
21. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes in Galilee (11)
- How are the events recorded in Luke 9:1-26 related to the jubilee seen in Luke 4?
- What must happen in order for us to participate in the enjoyment of the jubilee?
22. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues with His Divine Attributes in Galilee (12)
- How does the full application of the jubilee involve our transfiguration?
- What has the Lord done to accomplish the jubilee and what must we do in order to participate in the jubilee?
23. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (1)
- According to Luke 9, what is required if we wish to folllow the Lord?
- Before sending out the 70 in Luke 10:2 what did the Lord tell them to do? What is the main thing in the jubilee we should bring to others?
24. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (2)
- Why should we rejoice more at our names being written in the heavens more than being able to cast out demons?
- What are "the things" we are blessed to see, mentioned three times in Luke 10:23-24?
25. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (3)
- What does it mean to "inherit eternal life”? How does that differ from being saved?
- What were the actions of that certain Samaritan that we can apply to the Man-Savior and His salvation in the highest standard of morality.
26. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (4)
- How can we serve the Lord according to His desire and preference?
- How are receiving the Lord's salvation and serving Him related?
27. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (5)
- What are the three matters that highlight the characteristic of the gospel of Luke?
- According to Luke 11:1-13, what is the real meaning of prayer and what is the proper result of prayer?
28. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (6)
- Why is there in Luke chapter 11 a section regarding casting out demons (vv. 14-26) immediately after a section concerning praying ourselves into God?
- According to the whole context of Luke 11, how can we be "full of light" (v. 34) and filled with the Holy Spirit?
29. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (7)
- What is the significance of the Lord giving the three warnings in Luke 12 while on the way to Jerusaelem?
- How does the Lord's warning in 12:35-48 imply the jubilee over three ages? Why must the disciples and you, who already had believed in Him, be watchful?
30. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (8)
- What was the Lord's desire in Luke 12:49-50? Explain what the fire is and why He was pressed.
- Explain the appparent contradiction between Luke 12:51 and Luke 2:14 with Ephesians 2:14. How should be behave in this conflict?
31. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (9)
- Why did the Man-Savior deliberately heal the bent-double woman on the Sabbath day?
- Why was Jesus journeying uninterruptedly toward Jerusalem?
32. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (10)
- What does the parable of the great dinner teach concerning the acceptance of God's invitation? How is this parable an excellent parable concerning salvation?
- What is the difference between salvation and reward?
33. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (11)
- According to Luke 14:25-35, what are the requirements for entering into the kingdom during the millennium? What does it mean to follow the Lord as a career?
- According to Luke 14:35, what are the three places a person can be after the Lord Jesus comes back?
34. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (12)
- What is the significance of the sequence of the Trinity in Luke 15?
- In Luke chapter 15, what is the relationship between the parable of the seeking woman (vv. 8-10) and that of the loving father (vv. 11-32)? How did the prodigal son come to his decision in verse 18?
35. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (13)
- Contrast the traditional view that the Father's house in Luke 15 signifies heaven with the view that it is the church today. Where else can you see the church in Luke?
- How do the robe, ring, sandals, and fattened calf signify God's full salvation?
36. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (14)
- Expound how God and money presented as two rival masters for our service in Luke 16:13? Is this warning just for the rich?
- How can we be prudent stewards to God with our money, something He deems unrighteous?
37. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (15)
- What is Abraham's bosom? How does this relate to the two sections of Hades?
- How is hearing God’s word the key to understanding the case of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16?
38. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (16)
- Why is it so important to forgive others?
- Where is the kingdom of God?
39. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (17)
- How is the rapture related to the kingdom of God?
- What is the lesson for believers of Lot's wife that we must remember it?
40. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (18)
- What does the parable in Luke 18 indicate we will experience in the present age? Should believers expect peace and prosperity?
- What shall we do when God does not answer our prayers? What can prayer do according to Revelation 6:9-10?
41. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (19)
- What are three conditions or steps for entering into the kingdom of God revealed in Luke 18?
- What is meaning of propitiation and what are its three aspects?
42. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (20)
- How is the Lord's unveiling of His death and resurrection the third time related to the healing of the blind man?
- What do we need to do in order to see the spiritual reality of the kingdom of God
43. The Ministry of The Man-Savior In His Human Virtues With His Divine Attributes From Galilee To Jerusalem (21)
- What did Zaccheus do to receive salvation? What did the Lord do? Based on this, practice speaking the jubilee gospel.
- Compare Luke 19:11-27 to Matthew 25:14-30. What is revealed in both concerning the coming kingdom, the next age of the jubilee?
44. The Man-Savior’s Presentation Of Himself To Death For Redemption (1)
- Based on the account in Luke, how can you see Christ as the Priest bringing the offering to satisfy God?
- Contrast the people's reaction to of Jesus' coming to Jerusalem to the Lord's, based on where he first went and His actions there. What was His focus and concern?
45. The Man-Savior’s Presentation Of Himself To Death For Redemption (2)
- Using verse references, show how the Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled in the New Testament concerning the place and the time of the Lord's death.
- Compare and contrast the Lord as the one who was being examined and those who were questioning Him. How were the examiners exposed? How as the Lord vindicated?
46. The Man-Savior’s Presentation Of Himself To Death For Redemption (3)
- Why did the Lord ask the question concerning Christ to His examiners in Luke 20:41-44?
- How is the governing principle of the gospel of Luke revealed by the placement of the Lord's warning against the scribes and His appraising of the poor widow right after the opposers' examination of the Man-Savior?
47. The Man-Savior's Presentation of Himself to Death for Redemption (4)
- How did the Lord prepare His disciples in Luke 21:12-19 for persecution?
- What does it mean that “by endurance you will possess your souls”?
48. The Man-Savior's Presentation of Himself to Death for Redemption (5)
- How may we escape the things that are about to take place?
- What is the rapture of the overcomers?
49. The Man-Savior's Presentation of Himself to Death for Redemption (6)
- What were the activities of God, Satan, and the opposers before the Lord's crucifixion?
- Explain how the feast of the passover, the Lord's table, and the feast of the kingdom are actually three stages of one feast. How do we see the jubilee in these three stages?
50. The Man-Savior's Presentation of Himself to Death for Redemption (7)
- In the Lord's table, what is the main item for us to enjoy? What does this main item point to and signify?
- What did the Lord emphasize in His institution of His supper? How do we see and experience the jubilee at the Lord's table?
51. The Death of the Man-Savior (1)
- Read through Luke 22:47-23:56 with the view that it was God in a man being arrested and accused. Thank Him each time you see His divine humanity.
- Contrast the four pictures of types of people involved in the Lord's judgement: Jesus, the disciples, the religious, and the government. Which are you?
52. The Death of the Man-Savior (2)
- For what purpose did the Lord Jesus die, and who actually put Him to death? In other words, why did He die, and who killed Him?
- If Jesus was one with the Father (John 10:30) how could the Father forsake Him on the cross (Mark 15:34)?
53. The Death of the Man-Savior (3)
- The Bible reveals that the Lord Jesus died on the cross as what seven items? Cite a Bible verse for each.
- What is the meaning of Christ's death being an "all-inclusive death?
54. The Resurrection and Ascension of the Man-Savior (1)
- What are two ways of speaking of Christ's resurrection?
- What are seven aspects of Christ's resurrection?
55. The Resurrection and Ascension of the Man-Savior (2)
- In order to fulfill the Lord's commission to proclaim forgiveness of sins, what must the Lord's disciples be equipped with?
- How can we experience Christ as our life and power?
56. The Man-Savior's Incarnation Fulfilling the Purpose of God's Creation of Man (1)
- What is the difference between image and likeness in Genesis 1:26?
- What does the God-created man have the capacity to contain?
57. The Man-Savior's Incarnation Fulfilling the Purpose of God's Creation of Man (2j
- Why is Jesus called the second man? How was His life a fullfillment of God's design?
- How does Christ's work reproduce the man who fulfills God's plan? Give examples of fallen and restored humanity from Luke and Acts.
58. The Man-Savior's Highest Standard of Morality Constituting his Qualification and the Basic Factor for His Dynamic Salvation (1)
- How could Jesus, a man, be a "holy thing" per Luke 1:35? Are you a holy thing?
- What does it mean to say that human virtues are to be filled, strengthened, and enriched with the divine attributes.
59. The Man-Savior's Highest Standard of Morality Constituting his Qualification and the Basic Factor for His Dynamic Salvation (2)
- How did the Man-Savior’s being conceived of the divine essence with the divine attributes and being born of the human essence with the human virtues produce the highest standard of morality?
- How does the Man-Savior’s highest standard of morality become the saving power of His dynamic salvation?
60. The Man-Savior's God-man Living (1)
- What are two steps of God's saving man?
- What is a God-man living?
61. The Man-Savior's God-man Living (2)
- How can we say that the Man-Savior’s divine nature and attributes empower and ensure His ability to save us?
- Why was it necessary for the Lord Jesus to live on earth for thirty-three and a half years before He died to accomplish redemption?
62. The Reproduction of the God-man
- How did Christ become a life-giving Spirit? What qualified Christ to become a life-giving Spirit?
- How is your experience of the Spirit’s salvation today? Describe an experience of the moving of the Spirit within you.
63. The Reproduction of the God-man (2)
- What is the difference between an outward change and a metabolic transformation?
- Give some detailed examples of what it means to live Christ, and how it differs from trying to do what Jesus would do.
64. The Jubilee (1)
- In the jubilee in Leviticus 25, are the possessions returned to the people, or the people to the possessions? Why is this significant?
- How is the preaching of the gospel the reality of the jubilee today? Use Scripture references.
65. The Jubilee (2)
- Why was it necessary for the trumpet of the jubilee to be sounded on the day of atonement in the forty-ninth year? How does this apply to our spiritual experience of salvation?
- Why must we be in the fiftieth year to enjoy the jubilee?
66. The Jubilee (3)
- How is the jubilee illustrated by the parable of the prodigal son?
- For what purpose did God give His people the good land? Explain how this relates to Christ as our food and dwelling.
67. The Jubilee (4)
- What is the second main blessing of the jubilee?
- What are the two great blessings of the gospel?
68. The Jubilee (5)
- What are the two results of man's fall? What are the twofold significance of suffering in human life as a result of man's fall?
- How do the types in the Old Testament show us how God saves man from the issue of the fall?
69. The Jubilee (6)
- According to the Bible, what are the three kinds of labor in human life? Do you suffer this kind of labor?
- How can we enjoy the jubilee in spite of our outward environment ? What should we expect as our our enjoyment, satisfaction, and rest?
70. The Man-Savior’s Resurrection (1)
- What is the first point of the objective aspect of the Man-Savior’s resurrection? Provide verses as proof.
- What is the receipt, the proof, that you have been justified of your sins?
71. The Man-Savior’s Resurrection (2)
- How is the Man-Savior’s resurrection His glorification? Use the grain of wheat to illustrate.
- How was the Man-Savior’s resurrection His birth as the firstborn Son of God?
72. The Man-Savior’s Resurrection (3)
- What is the ultimate consummation of the Triune God?
- What are the elements brought into the Life-giving Spirit through the Man-Savior's transfiguration?
73. The Man-Savior’s Resurrection (4)
- When did the Lord’s death and resurrection begin? What does it mean that He was dying to live?
- How can we say that the Triune God dwells in us?
74. The Man-Savior’s Resurrection (5)
- How do we who are of the old creation become the new creation in Christ’s resurrection?
- What are four matters related to the producing of the church in Christ's resurrection?
75. The Man-Savior’s Resurrection (6)
- Using John 14:19, explain how we can see Christ and how we can know that He lives today.
- How can we experientially know Christ and know the power of His resurrection today?
76. The Man-Savior’s Ascension (1)
- What is the Man-Savior's status as the ascended One?
- In what way are both God and Christ sitting on the one throne? Use scripture references in Revelation and the example of the light and the lamp.
77. The Man-Savior’s Ascension (2)
- How are the election and inauguration of the president similar to the resurrection and ascension of Christ?
- Pray-read Acts 2:36 and footnote 1. How does your realization of the office is the Lord received in his ascension affect your contact with him?
78. The Man-Savior’s Ascension (3)
- How can we prove that Christ’s ascension is related to us in a subjective way? How can we experience it?
- What is the goal of the divine transmission of power from the heavens to the church?
79. The Man-Savior’s Ascension (4)
- How can we experience Christ in His ascension as the Head of the church?
- How can we experience Christ in His ascension as the High Priest in the heavens?