生命讀經 Romans
1. A Foreward
- How does the position of Romans relate to the entire Bible being the romance of a universal couple?
- What are the eight sections of the book of Romans?
2. The Gospel of God
- What Distinguishes the gospel of God in Romans from the four gospels?
- How does Christ's desgination in Romans chapter one point us to the goal of the book?
3. The Source of Wickedness and the Way of Restriction
- What are the four elements of the source of wickedness?
- What is God's way of restriction for the evil and wickedness of fallen mankind?
4. The Vanity of Religion and the Totality of Hopelessness
- God's condemnation on the religious points us to what six aspects of the vanity of religion?
- From the four aspects of God's condemnation, what four things can we see?
5. Justification in God's Way
- What is the meaning and basis of our justification by faith?
- How do propitiation and reconciliation relate to Christ's redemption?
6. The Example of Justification
- According to the example of justification with Abraham, how is our experience similar to his?
- What does it mean to believe in the God "who calls things not being as being and gives life to the dead?"
7. The Subjective Experience of Justification (1)
- How does our subjective experience of justification involve God's transfusion of Himself into us?
- What is the purpose and issue of justification?
8. The Subjective Experience of Justification (2)
- How does the transfusion of God result in faith?
- How does the transfusion of God apply in our experience as believers?
9. The Result of Justification—The Full Enjoyment of God in Christ
- What are five wonderful items that result from our being justified by God?
- How does "standing in grace" and "peace toward God" apply to our daily Christian experience?
10. The Gift in Christ Surpassing the Heritage in Adam
- What are the two men, two acts, two results, and four reigning things in Romans 5?
- How can we reign in life by receiving the abundance of grace?
11. Identification with Christ
- How does baptism identify us with Christ in His death and resurrection?
- Use verse references to explain how we may know that our old man has been crucified with Christ and how we reckon ourselves dead to sin.
12. The Bondage of the Law in Our Flesh (1)
- What is the significance of the two husbands in Romans 7?
- What is the original position of man? What is his fallen position? What is the regenerated man's position?
13. The Bondage of the Law in Our Flesh (2)
- What are the three laws in Romans 7 and how do they function in regard to one another?
- Why do so many Christians experience the conflict caused by these three laws after they are saved?
14. The Freedom of the Spirit in Our Spirit (1)
- What does it mean to be saved, reign, walk, and be sanctified in life, and how can we experience this?
- Show how God is revealed progressively in the book of Romans in chapters 1 through 8.
15. The Freedom of the Spirit in Our Spirit (2)
- What are the remedies for the two kinds of condemnation mentioned in Romans?
- According to Romans 8:1-6, how can we experience being saved from the condemnation mentioned in verse 1 and where must we be?
16. The Freedom of the Spirit in Our Spirit (3)
- What three synonymous terms in Romans 8 prove that Christ is the indwelling Spirit?
- How can we cooperate with the indwelling Christ as the Spirit?
17. Sanctification in Life
- How do the three stages of God's salvation take care of the three parts of our being?
- What is God's purpose in dispositional sanctification?
18. Heirs of Glory (1)
- What does it mean that we have received a spirit of sonship?
- How may we experience the leading of the Spirit in our daily life?
19. Heirs of Glory (2)
- What is the firstfruit of the Spirit and how does it bring us toward full sonship?
- What does it mean that the helping of the Spirit is "in like manner"?
20. Heirs of Glory (3)
- What is God's purpose in conforming us to the image of His Firstborn Son?
- What is the purpose of the Spirit's inward working?
21. Heirs of Glory (4)
- How does the working together of all things in our environment, especially the negative things, results in the "good"? Why should this be a comfort to us?
- How are the sections of Romans composed according to the attributes of God? What are these attributes of God and what aspects of God do they reveal?
22. God's Selection, Our Destiny (1)
- According to what, that is, on what basis, did God select us?
- What is the difference between God's mercy and God's grace? Why must we say that our salvation is of God's mercy?
23. God's Selection, Our Destiny (2)
- How does Paul show us that Christ has been processed so that He is available for us to receive?
- Illustrate from various passages how the Bible reveals that we may partake of and enjoy the Lord by calling on the Lord.
24. God's Economy in His Selection
- How does Paul use the lump of dough and the olive tree to illustrate God's economy in His selection?
- How did Israel's stumbling result in the nation's salvation?
25. Transformation in Practicing the Body Life (1)
- What is the meaning of transformation in Romans 12?
- Transformation is the life-practice of salvation. How can we practice this transformation in the Body life?
26. Transformation in Practicing the Body Life (2)
- What does it mean that the gifts in Romans 12 are according to the grace given to us?
- What are the seven gifts in Romans 12 and how do they relate to the practice of the Body life in the local churches?
27. Transformation in Practicing the Body Life (3) Transformation in Subjection, Love, and Warfare
- How should we deal with the three parts of our being for the proper practice of the Body life?
- List the aspects or characteristics of our transformation in living a normal life toward others, toward God, and toward ourselves.
28. Transformation in Receiving the Believers (1)
- We must receive the saints according to what four aspects of God's receiving?
- What does it mean to receive the saints in light of the judgment seat?
29. Transformation in Receiving the Believers (2)
- Romans 14:17 reveals that the church is the kingdom of God in this age. From what angle is the church the kingdom of God? What must our kingdom exercise be toward ourselves, toward others, and toward God?
- Our being transformed in receiving the believers according to Christ is expressed in what ways?
30. The Consummation of the Gospel
- What five aspects of the church life are revealed in Romans 16 as the consummation of the gospel of God in Romans?
- Paul's concluding praise refers to the revelation of the mystery that has now been manifested. How is the manifestation of this mystery the ultimate consummation of the full gospel of God in Romans?
31. A Closing Word
- How is God revealed progressively throughout the book of Romans?
- What was the Apostle Paul's view of the consummation of God's work and how does it apply to us?
32. The Basic Concept of Romans
- Describe the basic thought of the book of Romans and its three major sections.
- In the first section of Romans, what is exposed and what is God doing about it?
33. The Basic Points in Chapters Five through Eight
- Describe the first fact and first experience revealed in Romans 5 through 8.
- Describe the second fact and the second experience revealed in Romans 5 through 8.
34. Being Freed from Sin, the Law, and the Flesh
- What are the four stations in the book of Romans and what kind of Christian is at each station?
- In Romans 5 through 8, what does God do to make sons out of sinners to form the Body of Christ?
35. Being Freed from Death (1)
- How are we freed from sin, the law, and the flesh?
- What is "this death" in Romans 7:24 and its working?
36. Being Freed from Death (2)
- What are the signs and effects of death?
- What is the way to be freed from death?
37. The Law in Romans Seven and Eight
- How can we relate the three persons, three lives, and three laws?
- What is "another law" in Romans 7:21 and how do we avoid activating it?
38. Life and Death in Romans Five through Eight
- What is the line of life and the line of death and how can they be seen in Romans 5 through 8?
- How can we practically care for life in our spirit?
39. Abiding in Christ by Minding the Spirit
- What are the three questions concerning abiding in Christ and what are the three answers found in Romans 8?
- Why do we need to abide in Christ and what should we do once we see this need?
40. Saved in Life from Sin and Worldliness
- What is the first major item the life of Christ saves from? How are we saved?
- What process saves us from worldliness? Why do we need to be saved?
41. Saved in Life from Naturalness
- Define transformation and describe what transformation saves us from.
- Describe the process and the goal of transformation.
42. Saved in Life from Individualism
- What is the greatest hindrance to the building up of the Body of Christ? How do we cooperate with Christ's saving life for the building up?
- Describe how Christ saves us from our individualism.
43. Saved in Life from Divisiveness
- What element within us keeps us from receiving all the brothers and sisters? Why is this problem worse than those mentioned previously?
- How can we practically be saved from divisiveness?
44. Saved in Life from Self-likeness (1)
- What does it mean to be saved from self-likeness and how does Christ's life save us?
- Describe God's twofold working for the goal of our glorification.
45. Saved in Life from Self-likeness (2)
- Compare and contrast Christ's designation as the Son of God with our being saved in Christ's life to be God's many sons.
- How does Hebrews describe Christ and how is this related to our glorification?
46. Reigning in Life by Grace
- Describe the relationship between grace and reigning in life.
- What three major enemies do we reign over and how do we experience reigning in life?
47. The Meaning of Reigning in Life
- What is the proper understanding of reigning in life? What do we need in order to reign in life?
- What is the real and genuine oneness? How is reigning in life related to this oneness?
48. Reigning in Life over Death
- What is the sense of death? How must we deal with such spiritual death?
- How can we reign in life over death in our daily life?
49. Reigning in Life over Satan
- What are two important matters related to the way to overcome Satan?
- What should we practice in order to apply these important matters?
50. The Flesh and the Spirit
- What is the flesh and what is our fundamental problem?
- Why does the Lord leave the flesh with us and how does He use our failures in the flesh?
51. Serving in the Gospel of His Son
- In Romans 1:2 Paul says that the gospel was "promised before through His prophets in the holy scriptures." What are some of the crucial elements of the gospel found in the book of Genesis?
- What is the central point and goal of the gospel? What then should be our aim in preaching the gospel?
52. Designation
- According to Romans 1:3-4, how did Christ become the model for producing many sons? How do we become His mass reproduction?
- What are four aspects of the process of resurrection and what will be the result of our experiencing them?
53. Sonship in Romans
- Why are the first four verses in Romans so extremely important? How do they relate to God's eternal goal for the sonship?
- How are the many sons of God brought into being? How is Romans 1:3-4 the key to understanding this?
54. Designation by Resurrection
- Our designation to be God's many sons is by resurrection. What does it mean to say that Christ is the resurrection?
- What are the functions of resurrection? How can we daily experience resurrection?
55. Designation by the Spirit of Holiness
- What is the divine title of the Spirit in Romans 1:4 and why is it significant?
- What are the ten items that the Spirit as the realization of the Triune God is related to?
56. Designation by the Mingled Spirit
- What are the ten items of the richness of the Spirit?
- What is the key to the experience of Christ and the church life?
57. Righteousness—The Power of the Gospel
- Why is God's righteousness the power of the gospel?
- Describe how righteousness is the foundation of our experience of Christ.
58. The Selection of Grace
- Explain the difference between selection, predestination, and calling.
- What should be our normal experience of God's mercy in our daily life and church life?
59. The Practice of the Body Life
- Describe the proper condition of each part of our being in order for us to have the Body life in a proper way.
- What items does Paul mention in Romans 14 that we need for the practice of the Body life?
60. The Dispensation of the Triune God for the Fulfillment of His Purpose
- In Romans we can trace the steps of the Triune God in His economy to dispense Himself into man. List these steps with the appropriate verses.
- Which verses in Romans show us God's dispensation and its goal?
61. The Dispensation of the Triune God according to His Righteousness through His Holiness and unto His Glory
- How are righteousness, holiness, and glory related to death, resurrection, and ascension?
- Describe the subjective experience of righteousness, holiness, and glory.
62. The Life of the Triune God Dispensed into the Tripartite Man
- Which verses in Romans 8 show that God wants to dispense Himself as life into every part of our being?
- What is our need today in order to experience the dispensing of God as life?
63. Not an Exchanged Life, but a Grafted Life
- How does seeing God's creation of man in His image and likeness as a vessel to contain God help us to understand that we do not have an exchanged life but a grafted life?
- What three illustrations does Paul use in Romans to illustrate the the dispensing of the divine life into us and what does each illustration show us?
64. Transformation and Conformation by the Grafted Life (1)
- What was necessary in order for the divine life and the human life to be grafted together?
- What is the function of the grafted life and how can we cooperate with it?
65. Transformation and Conformation by the Grafted Life (2)
- According to Romans 6:5, explain the two steps of our growth in Christ. Include how believing and being baptized cause us to grow.
- What are the five steps of the divine life's metabolic working within us to transform and conform us? How can we give the divine life a free way to do so?
66. God Condemning Sin in the Flesh
- What is the difference in the condemnation in Romans 8:1 and that in chapters 2 and 3, and how are we delivered from each?
- How did God deal with or condemn sin as a powerful, living person dwelling in our flesh? For what purpose?
67. The Processed God Being the Law of the Spirit of Life
- How does Romans 8 show that the Triune God has been processed to become the law of the Spirit of life in us? How may we enjoy and cooperate with the working of this law?
- Which verses in Romans 8 show how the Triune God is imparting life to every part of our being that we may enjoy life in a threefold way?
68. God Condemning Sin in the Flesh that We May Be in the Spirit
- Explain how walking according to the spirit, being according to the spirit, and being in spirit are related.
- Explain according to Romans 8:9 how we can boldly say that we are in spirit.
69. Being in the Spirit to Experience the Work of the Spirit
- How can we stabilize our condition of being in spirit? How does declaring that we are in spirit help?
- What are the functions of the Spirit in Romans 8 and how can we enjoy them?