
生命讀經 1 & 2 Samuel

1. 介紹文字

  1. Who are the four main people in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel and what are the crucial matters regarding these persons?
  2. What is the central thought of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel and what are these books a portrait of?

2. The History concerning Samuel (1) His Origin, Birth, and Youth

  1. What are the crucial points related to Samuel's God-worshipping parents? How do these points relate to our participation in God's economy?
  2. How do we see man's cooperation with God's desire and intention in Hannah's prayer?

3. The History concerning Samuel (2) His Relationship with the Stale and Waning Aaronic Priesthood (1)

  1. What were the aspects of Eli's situation and failure?
  2. What is the lesson we need to learn from the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, and how did Samuel learn of Eli and his sons' negative example?

4. The History concerning Samuel (3) His Relationship with the Stale and Waning Aaronic Priesthood (2)

  1. According to the example we see in 1 Samuel 4, what does it mean to usurp God for our safety, peace, rest, and profit?
  2. What does the ark signify in this chapter, and how does this relate to our Christian experience?

5. The History concerning Samuel (4) His Ministry (1)

  1. What were the five statuses in which Samuel ministered?
  2. How is Samuel an example of one who turned the age?

6. The History concerning Samuel (5) His Ministry (2)

  1. What is the lesson we can learn from the children of Israel asking Samuel to give them a king?
  2. According to this message, how do we see Samuel as a man who turned the age in God's administration from the age of the priesthood to the age of the prophethood with the kingship? How is this related to the fact that Samuel was never rebellious?

7. Samuel—a Man According to God

  1. What does it mean to say that, as God's representative, Samuel was the acting God?
  2. What aspects of Samuel's person do we see in this message?

8. The History concerning Saul (1) His Origin and God's Anointing

  1. How do we see God's sovereignty in the anointing of Saul to be king?
  2. Why did God make Saul king?

9. The History concerning Saul (2) Saul's Conquest of the Ammonites and Samuel's Reminder to Israel

  1. How was Saul useful to God?
  2. What are some negative characteristics of Saul seen in this message, and what does the record in 1 Samuel show us concerning Samuel's heart?

10. The History concerning Saul (3) Saul's Conquest of the Philistines

  1. What was Samuel's intention concerning the people of God and what was Saul's intention?
  2. What is the great lesson contained in 1 Samuel 13—14? What does it mean to build up a monarchy within the Lord's recovery?

11. The History concerning Saul (4) Saul's Disobedience in His Conquest of the Amalekites

  1. What do the Amalekites signify?
  2. What warning should we take from the account of Saul's disobedience?

12. The History concerning David (1) Prepared by God to be a Man According to the Heart of God - 1 Samuel 16–2 Samuel 1 (1) Chosen, Trained, Anointed, Tested, and Approved

  1. Why was Saul rejected by God from being king over Israel, and how was David prepared by God to be the right person for the kingship? What is the significance of David being Jesse's eighth son?
  2. How was Saul a test to David, and how does this apply to us today in our church life and married life?

13. The History concerning David (2) Prepared by God to be a Man According to the Heart of God - 1 Samuel 16—2 Samuel 1 (2) Persecuted and Tried by Saul (1)

  1. How does Saul's envy of David apply to the church life today? How can this problem be solved?
  2. What were God's sovereign provisions for David in his trials? How does this apply to our Christian experience today?

14. The History concerning David (3) Prepared by God to be a Man According to the Heart of God - 1 Samuel 16—2 Samuel 1 (3) Persecuted and Tried by Saul (2)

  1. What is the lesson that we should learn from David's experience under Saul's persecution? How does this relate to God's kingdom?
  2. What is the significance of David not killing Saul but only cutting off a corner of his cloak? How is David, in his relationship with Saul, a good pattern for us in the church life today?

15. God's Sovereignty and David's Taking the Lessons of the Cross

  1. How do we see God's sovereignty in this portion of 1 Samuel concerning David's experience? Why is it crucial for us to have a vision of God's sovereignty?
  2. How do we see David's taking the lessons of the cross in this section of 1 Samuel?

16. The History concerning David (4) Prepared by God to be a Man According to the Heart of God - 1 Samuel 16—2 Samuel 1 (4) Persecuted and Tried by Saul (3)

  1. What lessons can we learn from the story of David's dealing with Nabal and Abigail?
  2. What was the weak point in David's life?

17. The History concerning David (5) Prepared by God to be a Man According to the Heart of God - 1 Samuel 16—2 Samuel 1 (5) Persecuted and Tried by Saul (4)

  1. What was the reason for the tragic end of Saul? What are the lessons we can learn from musing on every aspect of this story?
  2. How do all the small things in this record show that God was working in a detailed way to carry out His economy?

18. The History concerning David (6) Prepared by God to be a Man According to the Heart of God - 1 Samuel 16—2 Samuel 1 (5) Persecuted and Tried by Saul (4)

  1. What are the points concerning Saul's ending and how do they apply to us as Christians today?
  2. In what way is Saul's ending a strong warning to all the serving ones in the kingdom of God?

19. Lessons of the Five Major Figures Concerning the Enjoyment of the Good Land in 1 Samuel to 2 Samuel 1

  1. What are the lessons of Eli and Samuel?
  2. What are the lessons of Saul, Jonathan, and David?

20. The History concerning David (7) Crowned by the People to be the King for the Kingdom of God on the Earth - 2 Samuel 2—24 (1) Crowned by the People (1)

  1. Describe how while all the events recorded in these chapters were taking place, God was present in His sovereignty behind the scene.
  2. What is the lesson that we need to learn from these illustrations, as mentioned at the end of this message?

21. The History concerning David (8) Crowned by the People to be the King for the Kingdom of God on the Earth - 2 Samuel 2—24 (2) Crowned by the People (2)

  1. What is the significance of David being established by God as king with his kingdom exalted for the sake of God's people Israel?
  2. What can we learn from the fact that "David became greater and greater; and Jehovah, the God of hosts, was with him"? Also, what were the two most troubling enemies of Israel, what do they typify, and how does this apply to our Christian life and church life?

22. The History concerning David (9) Crowned by the People to be the King for the Kingdom of God on the Earth - 2 Samuel 2—24 (3) David's Care for God's Habitation on the Earth (1)

  1. Describe the history of the ark of God.
  2. What can we learn from the cases of Uzzah and Michal, as mentioned in this message?

23. The History concerning David (10) Crowned by the People to be the King for the Kingdom of God on the Earth - 2 Samuel 2—24 (4) David's Care for God's Habitation on the Earth (2)

  1. What is the significance of God stopping David and telling him that he needed God to do something for him?
  2. What is the genuine and intrinsic gospel?

24. Our Need for God to Build Christ into Us

  1. What does it mean to say that 2 Samuel 7 is a chapter of prophecy through typology?
  2. What does it mean to say that we need God to build up Christ into our intrinsic constitution? How is this related to the building of the church? According to this message, what are several practical ways for us to allow the Triune God to fill us, saturate us, and mingle with us?

25. The Seed of David and the Son of God

  1. How do we see the matter of deification in the seed of David becoming the Son of God?
  2. What does it mean for God to build Himself in Christ into us in order to have a mutual abode, and what does it mean for the Triune God to become our intrinsic constitution?

26. God's Building Himself in Christ into Our Being through the Metabolic Process of Transformation

  1. Explain how transformation is a metabolic process. How is Christ's building the church with Himself related to our enjoyment of Him as spiritual food and spiritual drink?
  2. What are the four layers of building spoken of in this chapter?

27. A Prophecy concerning the Seed of David Being Called the Son of God

  1. What are the aspects of Christ as the Seed of David and the Son of God spoken of in this message?
  2. How does Christ as the Seed of David become everything to us to be all in all in the church, in the Body, and in the one new man?

28. God's Desire to Build Himself into Us and to Build Us Into Him to Produce a Mutual Abode

  1. Describe the progressive revelation in the Bible presented in this chapter. How can we say that, in the New Testament, the divine revelation reached the highest standard?
  2. What is God's economy and goal according to His heart's desire? How is this related to mingling?

29. God's Intention to Build Himself in Christ into Us

  1. How is the matter of Christ sowing Himself as the seed into us as the soil related to God's building?
  2. What is God's building?

30. The Unique Work of the Processed Triune God—Building Himself into Our Being

  1. What is God's unique work? Please describe this in some detail based upon the contents of this message.
  2. What are the materials of God's building? Also, what is the effect of the vision of God's building on our work today?

31. The Significance of the Seed of David Being Designated the Son of God

  1. What is the "diamond" in the "box" of the Bible? How is this related to the Seed of David being designated the Son of God?
  2. What should be the principle that governs our understanding of God and of God's building?

32. The History concerning David (11) Crowned by the People to be the King for the Kingdom of God on the Earth - 2 Samuel 2—24 (5) David's Conquest Over His Enemies for the Strengthening of His Kingdom

  1. Describe David's conquest over his enemies for the strengthening of his kingdom.
  2. Describe David's reign in justice and righteousness and his showing kindness to Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan.

33. The History concerning David (12) Crowned by the People to be the King for the Kingdom of God on the Earth - 2 Samuel 2—24 (6) David's Indulging Sin and God's Punishing Condemnation

  1. What lessons and warnings can we take from the situation that David was in when he indulged in sin?
  2. What can we learn concerning God in the account of David's indulging in sin? What is the major negative matter we need to learn from David?

34. Man's Failure and God's Punishment

  1. What crucial matters can we see concerning man's failure and God's punishment as presented in this message?
  2. How is the account of God's punishing judgment on David a warning to us today?

35. The History concerning David (13) Crowned by the People to be the King for the Kingdom of God on the Earth - 2 Samuel 2—24 (7) God's Punishing Judgment on David - 2 Samuel 12:15b—20:26 (1)

  1. Describe God's punishing judgment on David from 2 Samuel 12:15b through 14:44.
  2. What are the meanings of the names "Solomon" and "Jedidiah"?

36. The History concerning David (14) Crowned by the People to be the King for the Kingdom of God on the Earth - 2 Samuel 2—24 (8) God's Punishing Judgment on David - 2 Samuel 12:15b—20:26 (2)

  1. What are the major points concerning Absalom's revolt?
  2. How did Absalom meet his end?

37. The History concerning David (15) Crowned by the People to be the King for the Kingdom of God on the Earth - 2 Samuel 2—24 (9) God's Punishing Judgment on David - 2 Samuel 12:15b—20:26 (3)

  1. Describe the peaceful settlements in David's kingdom after Absalom's revolt.
  2. Describe the rebellion of Sheba and the re-establishment of the kingdom of David.

38. The History concerning David (16) Crowned by the People to be the King for the Kingdom of God on the Earth - 2 Samuel 2—24 (10) The Last Stage of David's Kingship - 2 Samuel 21—24

  1. What are the contents of David's song and last words? What aspects of Christ can we see in these speakings?
  2. How do the books of 1 and 2 Samuel unveil to us that God's accomplishment of His economy needs man's coordination and cooperation?