
生命讀經 James

  1. Describe some of the different attitudes toward the book of James. What is the attitude that we should have?
  2. What is the subject of the book of James? In your answer, provide Scripture references as a support.
  1. Explain what it means in James 1:4 to be "complete and entire, lacking in nothing." Relate this to the subejct of this book.
  2. Relate James' word concerning wisdom to our need to have a clear vision of God's New Testament economy.
  1. What is the balanced view of the Epistle of James that we should have? What is the warning to us that this Epistle provides us?
  2. What does it mean that the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness or shadow cast by turning, has brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a firstruit of His creatures? How does this relate to the new creation and the New Jerusalem?
  1. What does it mean to receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save our souls?
  2. What does it mean to be "religious" in James 1:26? In this context, contrast James' writing with that of Paul's, Peter's, and John's.
  1. Explain why we need to consider Acts 21 in order weigh James in the heavenly scale and have a view that is balanced.
  2. Explain what it means that in James we see a mixture of the new and the old.
  1. What is the "royal law" mentioned in James 2:8? How does this relate to the fact that James' Epistle was written under the cloud of a semi-Judaic mixture?
  2. What does it mean to be justified by works in relation to the believers?
  1. Explain what it means that in order to be saved from judgment without mercy, we need to have works of mercy and love.
  2. Differentiate between an Old Testament concept of godliness, a natural and religious understanding of godliness, and the proper New Testament concept of godliness. (Hint: you may refer to Titus 1:1, note 1 and 1 Tim. 2:2, note 3 as a help.)
  1. What are the twenty items used by James as illustrations concerning bridling the tongue? How do these illustrations show that James was rich in wisdom somewhat like Solomon, but not so in wisdom concerning the divine economy?
  2. Contrast James' teaching concerning wisdom with Paul's teaching concerning it.
  1. What are the two levels of wisdom?
  2. Using this Life-Study message and the footnotes, explain the meaning of James 4:5: "Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain: The Spirit who dwells in us longs to envy."
  1. Prepare a brief, living, and experiential word concerning God resisting the proud and giving grace to the humble and our need to be subject to God and withstand the Devil.
  2. How is the tone in James word in 4:15 different from the basic tone in Paul's writing?
  1. What makes James' word to the rich in 5:1-6 ambiguous and how does this point to the general character of this book?
  2. How does James' use of a farmer as an illustration concerning the Lord's second coming point to our need to grow in life?
  1. What is the one reference to the church in the Epistle to James and how does it indicate James' lack, especially in relation to Paul?
  2. What does it mean that Elijah "prayed in a prayer"?
  1. Provide several examples that demonstrate how James lived a life not fully according to and for God's New Testament economy.
  2. How did James mix the New Testament economy with the practice of the recovered Old Testament dispensation?
  1. How do we see James living a life not fully according to and for God's New Testament economy in his word concerning awaiting the Lord's coming back?
  2. Carefully prepare a word concerning James, the inspiration of the Scripture, and the particular purpose for James' inclusion in the Holy Scriptures.