
生命读经 The Minor Prophets

1. An Introductory Word Concerning the Minor Prophets

  1. What are the contents of the Minor Prophets? In particular, what are the crucial points concerning Christ revealed in these books?
  2. What are some of the crucial points in the Minor Prophets? What is the crucial emphasis of the revelation released by all the prophets from Isaiah to Malachi?

2. On Hosea (1) The Introductory Word and the Symbol of a Wife of Harlotries (1)

  1. What is the subject and central thought of Hosea? What is the revelation of Christ found in this book?
  2. What is the twofold lesson we need to learn from Hosea chapter 1?

3. On Hosea (2) The Symbol of a Wife of Harlotries (2)

  1. How can the words concerning Israel in Hosea 2:2—3:5 apply to our Christian life today?
  2. What are the four things covered repeatedly in the Minor Prophets? How do we see this in the book of Hosea?

4. On Hosea (3) The Sins of the Apostate People, the Punishments of Jehovah, and the Return of the Apostate People

  1. What is the significance of Hosea's words in 5:15—6:3, 11 concerning the return of the apostate people?
  2. What do we mean by the term "the manifestation of Christ"? How is this matter related to our Christian life and church life in the Lord's recovery today?

5. On Hosea (4) The Sins of Israel in Forsaking Jehovah and Jehovah's Punishments on Israel Because of Their Forsaking of Him

  1. What are the key points concerning the sins of Israel in forsaking Jehovah?
  2. What is the significance of the three things that Ephraim was likened to—an unturned cake, a silly dove, and a deceitful bow?

6. On Hosea (5) The Idolatry of Israel Against Jehovah and the Punishments of Jehovah Upon Israel

  1. How can we see the matter of the organic union between God and His people, even in this portion of Hosea? What was the reason for Israel's sins in their social life?
  2. What is the significance of Jehovah's charge to Israel to sow unto righteousness for themselves, to reap according to lovingkindness, and to break up their fallow ground?

7. On Hosea (6) Jehovah's Unchanging Love Versus Israel's Stubborn Unchastity (1)

  1. What is the highest virtue of a proper wife? How does this relate to the relationship between God and His people?
  2. Prepare a brief word, based upon the Scripture, concerning the crucial importance of prophesying for the carrying out of God's economy in the age of the church.

8. On Hosea (7) Jehovah's Unchanging Love Versus Israel's Stubborn Unchastity (2)

  1. What does it mean to say that God's everlasting love is not a love in affection, like the love of a husband toward a wife, but a love in life, like the love of a father toward a son?
  2. What is the significance of each of the details concerning the restoration of Israel in Hosea 14?

9. On Hosea (8) Three Implications Concerning Christ

  1. What are the three implications concerning Christ in Hosea 11:1-4? Please explain in some detail with New Testament Scripture references.
  2. What does it mean to say that God's everlasting love is altogether in Christ, with Christ, by Christ, and for Christ, and that apart from Christ His everlasting love could not be prevailing?

10. On Joel (1) The Introductory Word and the Day of Jehovah

  1. What is the subject, central thought, and revelation of Christ in the book of Joel?
  2. What is the day of the Lord spoken of in the book of Joel, and how does this connect with the prophecies in the book of Revelation? What is the day of the Lord for?

11. On Joel (2) The Content (1)

  1. What are the three main points in the book of Joel?
  2. What is the significance of the four kinds of locusts revealed in the book of Joel? What are these locusts for?

12. On Joel (3) The Content (2)

  1. How does this book describe the turn of Jehovah to His elect, Israel? When will this turn occur? Moreover, when and how is Joel's prophecy concerning the outpouring of the Spirit fulfilled?
  2. How does this book reveal Christ's judgment upon the nations, His victory with His overcomers, and His reign among Israel in the age of restoration?

13. On Joel (4) The Controlling Prophecy of the Four Locusts in the Book of Joel

  1. What is the relationship and difference between the prophecies of Daniel and Joel? How does God use the locusts for the carrying out of His economy?
  2. What are the three things taking place on earth today, what are the three matters concerning which we need a clear view, and what way should we take today?

14. On Joel (5) The Four Factors in the Book of Joel

  1. What are the four factors in the book of Joel?
  2. What is God's purpose concerning the second factor, and what is His use of the first factor?

15. On Joel (6) The Universal History According to God's Economy—the Divine History within the Human History

  1. What is the relationship between the divine history and the human history? Present a brief description of the divine history?
  2. Why is it crucial for us to have a clear view of the two histories?

16. On Joel (7) The History with Man and the History of God in Man

  1. Why can we say that the Minor Prophets are a key to understanding the Bible?
  2. What is the history of God in the Bible, and what are its lessons for us today?

17. On Amos (1) The Introductory Word, Jehovah's Judgment on the Surrounding Nations, and His Judgments on Judah and Israel

  1. What is the subject and central thought of the book of Amos?
  2. What is the revelation concerning Christ in the book of Amos?

18. On Amos (2) Jehovah's Contending with the House of Jacob (1)

  1. What are the key points concerning Jehovah's three reproofs to Israel?
  2. What three things are taking place on earth today, and what is the "kernel" in the "shell" of the prophets?

19. On Amos (3) Jehovah's Contending with the House of Jacob (2) and the Restoration of the House of Israel with the Rebuilding of the Fallen Tabernacle of David for the Kingdom of Christ

  1. What are the key points concerning the plagues of the five signs seen by Amos?
  2. What is the significance of the restoration of the house of Israel with the rebuilding of the fallen tabernacle of David for the kingdom of Christ?

20. On Obadiah - Jehovah's Dealing with Esau and Jacob's Victory for the Kingdom of Jehovah

  1. What is the subject and central thought of the book of Obadiah?
  2. What are the key points concerning Jehovah's dealings with Edom as seen in this book? What does this book reveal concerning the day of Jehovah upon the nations, and what is the issue of Jehovah's dealing?

21. On Jonah - Jehovah's Care and Salvation to the Most Evil City of the Gentiles

  1. What is the subject, central thought, and revelation of Christ in the book of Jonah?
  2. How can we say that among the books of the Minor Prophets, Jonah stands alone? What is the significance of Jonah's prejudice, and what particular matter does this book reveal concerning God?

22. On Micah (1) The Introductory Word and Jehovah's Reproof on Israel

  1. What is the subject, central thought, and revelation of Christ in the book of Micah? What is a particular characteristic of this book?
  2. What was the consideration of the godly people, mainly the prophets, concerning the coming restoration?

23. On Micah (2) Jehovah's Comfort to Israel

  1. What are the crucial points concerning Jehovah's word of comfort to Israel, and how do some of these points relate to our experience in our Christian life and church life?
  2. What does it mean to say that Christ's going forth, His appearing, is a continuous matter?

24. On Micah (3) The Greatness of the Prophets in Their Speaking Concerning Christ

  1. In the Minor Prophets what are some examples of the prophets turning from Christ to small things? How does this matter relate to our prophesying today?
  2. How are Amos and Micah great in their prophesying concerning Christ?

25. On Micah (4) Jehovah's Contending with Israel and the Prophet's Observation and Expectation

  1. What aspects of the prophet's observation and expectation were just the expression of his natural sentiment? What can we learn from the prophet's observation and discouragement?
  2. What are the positive points conveyed in the prophet's observation and expectation?

26. On Nahum - Jehovah's Judgment on Nineveh

  1. What is the relationship between Jonah and Nahum? What is the subject and central thought of this book?
  2. How is God revealed in the book of Nahum? What is the main point of this book?

27. On Habakkuk (1) The Introductory Word and the First and Second Dialogues Between the Prophet and Jehovah

  1. What is the meaning of the name Habakkuk? What is the subject and central thought of this book?
  2. How does the book of Habakkuk show us God's eternal salvation to sinners?

28. On Habakkuk (2) Christ as the Linking Factor in Micah, Jonah, and Habakkuk and the Bible as the Divine Revelation Given by God's Speaking Through Man

  1. How is Christ the linking factor in Micah, Jonah, and Habakkuk?
  2. Based upon the contents of this message, prepare a brief prophecy concerning the Bible as the divine revelation given by God's speaking through man.

29. On Habakkuk (3) The Second Dialogue Between the Prophet and Jehovah and the Prophet's Song to Jehovah

  1. What are the key points in Habakkuk's final dialogue with Jehovah and in his song?
  2. How do the words spoken by Habakkuk in his song express his natural concept? Compare and contrast Habakkuk's prayer with the prayer of the apostle Paul. What should we learn from this comparison?

30. On Zephaniah - Jehovah's Judgment and Salvation

  1. What is the meaning of the name Zephaniah? What is the subject and central thought of this book?
  2. What is the revelation concerning Christ in the book of Zephaniah? What is the significance of Jehovah, in the time of restoration, changing the language of the peoples?

31. On Haggai - The Building of the House of Jehovah in Relation to Israel's Welfare and Messiah's Coming

  1. What is the subject, central thought, and revelation of Christ in the book of Haggai? In particular, what is the significance of Christ being the Desire of all the nations?
  2. What lessons and application can we draw concerning the building up of the church from Jehovah's rebuke and charge concerning the delay of the building of the house?

32. On Malachi (1) The Introductory Word and Jehovah's Love of Jacob and His Dealing with the Sons of Levi

  1. What is the subject, central thought, and revelation concerning Christ in the book of Malachi?
  2. What important matter regarding our service to the Lord can we see through Jehovah's word concerning the treachery of the priests toward their wives? What is the threefold fulfillment of the prophecy concerning Jehovah dealing with the sons of Levi to refine and purify the priests by His coming as the Messenger of Jehovah?

33. On Malachi (2) Christ in His Two Comings as Revealed in Malachi

  1. What are the aspects of Christ in His coming revealed in Malachi (and Haggai)?
  2. What is the center of the book of Malachi?

34. On Malachi (3) Jehovah's Dealing with the Sons of Jacob

  1. What are the crucial points seen in this portion of Malachi concerning Jehovah's dealing with the sons of Jacob?
  2. What is the significance of not robbing God in tithes and offerings but bringing the whole tithe to the storehouse that there may be food in God's house?

35. On Malachi (4) The Revival Revealed in the Minor Prophets

  1. How do the Minor Prophets reveal the matter of revival and the enjoyment of God's Christ?
  2. Prepare a brief prophecy concerning the matter of revival in the Bible, including how it applies to our family, to the church, to the nations, to the entire human race, and even to the whole universe.