
生命读经 Ezra

1. The Need of a Return from Captivity

  1. How do we see the return from captivity through the secret preserving care of the hiding God in the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther?
  2. Describe how the record concerning the return of Israel from captivity is a type of the New Testament believers as God's elect. In addition, what are the three situations concerning which we need to be clear?

2. An Introductory Word

  1. What are the contents of the book of Ezra?
  2. What are the crucial points of the book of Ezra and how do they apply to us in the church life today?

3. The Return of the Captivity Under the Kingly Leadership of Zerubbabel

  1. What are the crucial points concerning the return from captivity, the rebuilding of the altar and the temple, and the frustration to the building work?
  2. What is the burden in this message and how does it apply to us in the church life today?

4. The Return of the Captivity Under the Priestly Leadership of Ezra

  1. What is the significance of the hand of God in the book of Ezra?
  2. What are the crucial points concerning Ezra as presented in this message?

5. The Need of Ezras—Those Skilled in the Word of God

  1. Why does God need Ezras today, and how is this matter related to God's testimony?
  2. How does the burden concerning the need for Ezras relate to the eldership in the local churches and the Lord's move in His recovery?