
生命读经 Daniel

1. 介绍性文字

  1. What is the subject of the book of Daniel? What are the five particular points concerning Christ revealed in this book?
  2. What is the central thought of the book of Daniel?

2. The Victory of the Young Descendants of God's Degraded Elect Over Satan's Further Devices (1) Over the Demonic Diet

  1. What is the spiritual significance of Nebuchadnezzar's devilish temptation to seduce Daniel and his companions to partake of his unclean food? How does this apply to our Christian life?
  2. How are Daniel and his companions a picture of the overcomers in the church? How can we say that their victory was God's victory?

3. The Victory of the Young Descendants of God's Degraded Elect Over Satan's Further Devices (2) Over the Devilish Blinding that Prevents People from Seeing God's Vision Concerning Human Government Throughout History

  1. What does the great human image signify? What has human government done and what will it continue to do from its beginning to its termination?
  2. What do the stone cut without hands and the great mountain filling the whole earth signify?

4. The Vision of the Great Image—the Controlling Vision in the Book of Daniel

  1. How can we say that the entire great human image is Babylon? What does Babylon do?
  2. How can we say that the great human image is the controlling vision in the book of Daniel? If we see this vision, what will be the effect?

5. The Victory of the Young Descendants of God's Degraded Elect Over Satan's Further Devices (3) Over the Seduction of Idol Worship

  1. Who was the fourth one in the fire with Daniel's companions? How does this story relate to our Christian experience today?
  2. How does Daniel chapter 3 reveal the victory of the young descendants of God's degraded elect over the seduction of idol worship? How does this apply to the overcomers today?

6. The Victory of the Young Descendants of God's Degraded Elect Over Satan's Further Devices (4) Over the Covering that Hinders People from Seeing the Ruling of the Heavens by the God of the Heavens

  1. How does the book of Daniel reveal God's economy? How are the six cases in chapters 1—6 related?
  2. Why did God drive Nebuchadnezzar out from among mankind and let his portion be with the beasts of the field until seven periods of time passed over him?

7. The Victory of the Young Descendants of God's Degraded Elect Over Satan's Further Devices (5) Over the Ignorance Concerning the Result of the Debauchery Before God and the Insult to His Holiness

  1. What is debauchery? How did Beshazzar insult God's holiness?
  2. What is the lesson we should learn from Daniel chapter 5?

8. The Victory of the Young Descendants of God's Degraded Elect Over Satan's Further Devices (6) Over the Subtlety that Prohibited the Faithfulness of the Overcomers in the Worship of God

  1. Why is prayer so crucial for the carrying out of God's economy, and why does Satan seek to hinder our prayer?
  2. What was the last step of the victory over Satan's devices? How does Daniel chapter 6 conclude?

9. The Visions of the Overcoming Daniel (1) The Vision Concerning the Four Beasts Out of the Mediterranean Sea (1)

  1. In the vision in Daniel 7, what does the Mediterranean Sea signify? What does the stirring up of the sea, which issues in the beasts, signify?
  2. What do each of the beasts signify? Compare and contrast the vision of the great human image with the vision of the beasts.

10. The Visions of the Overcoming Daniel (1) The Vision Concerning the Four Beasts Out of the Mediterranean Sea (2)

  1. How does Daniel 7 reveal God in His universal dominion and the coming of the Son of Man, Christ?
  2. What is the particular characteristic of the book of Daniel?

11. The Visions of the Overcoming Daniel (2) The Vision Concerning a Ram and a Male Goat with Its Successors

  1. What is the significance of the vision concerning a ram and a male goat with its successors? How is this vision related to Israel?
  2. What points concerning the coming Antichrist are revealed in this vision?

12. God's Economy in the Book of Daniel

  1. What are the five major points concerning Christ as the centrality and universality of God's economy revealed in the book of Daniel? How does Christ become His people's centrality and universality?
  2. What are the three crucial matters in the book of Daniel mentioned in this message?

13. Human Government Fighting Against God and Being Crushed by Christ in His Coming with His Bride

  1. How does the Bible show that eventually human government will fight against God directly? How does God solve the problems of the old creation and human government?
  2. How does Christ prepare His bride? What practically does it mean for Christ to become our centrality and universality today?

14. The Visions of the Overcoming Daniel (3) The Vision Concerning the Seventy Weeks

  1. What is the significance of the vision of the seventy weeks? Why is this the most precious portion of the entire book of Daniel?
  2. What is the significance of the gap between the sixty-ninth week and the seventieth week?

15. The Visions of the Overcoming Daniel (4) The Vision Concerning the Destiny of Israel (1)

  1. Why is it crucial for us to see the spiritual things behind the physical things in order to know God's economy and to know that in God's economy Christ is the centrality and universality of God's move? How can we see this in the book of Daniel?
  2. How does Daniel chapter 10 reveal the excellent Christ?

16. The Visions of the Overcoming Daniel (4) The Vision Concerning the Destiny of Israel (2)

  1. In the vision presented in Daniel chapter 11, in what ways is Antiochus Epiphanes (the king of the north) a type of Antichrist?
  2. What is the center, the aim, and the goal of Satan's struggle against God, as seen in these cases?

17. The Visions of the Overcoming Daniel (4) The Vision Concerning the Destiny of Israel (3)

  1. What does Daniel chapter 12 reveal concerning the consummation of the age, the coming age of the kingdom, and eternity?
  2. Based upon the contents of this Life-study, prepare a brief summary of the intrinsic significance of the book of Daniel.