readlifestudy 的帖子
Weekly Ministry Quote #4
Weekly Ministry Quote #4 “When we begin to read the Life-studies, we should not expect to read eight or ten messages per day. This will cause spiritual indigestion. It is best to read half a message per day. At this pace it will take only six to seven years to finish the twelve hundred messages.…
Read MoreWeekly Ministry Quote #3
Weekly Ministry Quote #3 “The Lord’s word among us is not scarce. Volume after volume of Life-studies have opened the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. As long as we spend a few minutes every morning to read two or three verses with their footnotes and three to five paragraphs of a related Life-study message,…
Read MoreWeekly Ministry Quote #2
Weekly Ministry Quote #2 “One of my burdens in completing the life-study of the entire Bible was to solve the common and hard problems in the Bible and to open up every book of the Bible. If you have a question and turn to the footnotes in the Recovery Version or the Life-study messages, you…
Read MoreWeekly Ministry Quote #1
Weekly Ministry Quote #1 “I have the assurance that if you would get into the Life-study messages continually, you will be different after fifty days. Any message from any book, such as Genesis, Exodus, Matthew, or Revelation, is good for your study. Just go to the Life-study messages.” (CWWL, 1984, vol. 2, p. 324. Living…
Read MoreTestimony from Antony
Testimony from Antony “Through the Life-studies, my appreciation and understanding of the Bible have abounded. They have helped me to read and view the Bible with the view of God’s economy. Many a time, I’ve felt my inward need has been met and supplied while I read a Life-study message….Life-study is a part of my…
Read MoreAT的证词
Testimony from A.T. “The Life-studies have clarified my understanding of the Lord, what He is doing, and also my Christian experience in the Lord and in the Body of Christ. The Life-studies have grounded me by ministering the Word in a way that has enabled me to endure and press on in the church in…
Read MoreTestimony from a retired brother
Testimony from a retired brother “When I was new I read Life-studies one after another. Now I read them in smaller amounts but with the Lord, to gain His utterance while looking at cross-references and footnotes in the Bible.” – a retired brother (Germany)
Read MoreTestimony from Sister Rose
Testimony from Sister Rose “I find with all things in life, my capacity to read has ebbed and flowed, but I continue to read. When I am struggling to understand and absorb the material, I try to slow down and I simply tell the Lord, ‘I’m here and I’m reading to gain You. Even If…
Read MoreTestimony from C.R.
Testimony from C.R. “I find with all things in life, my capacity to read has ebbed and flowed, but I continue to read. When I am struggling to understand and absorb the material, I try to slow down and I simply tell the Lord, ‘I’m here and I’m reading to gain You. Even If I…
Read MoreTestimony from Jeremy
Testimony from Jeremy “I highly recommend creating a schedule, having something tangible. Scheduling your Life-study reading allows you to visualize your progress. When you “fail” at reading, the tangible schedule will allow you keep going, picking up where you left off. Realize that doing something is better than doing nothing.” – Jeremy Suh (job-dropping…
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