
生命读经 Proverbs

1. 介绍性文字

  1. Describe the position of Proverbs in the divine revelation of the Holy Scriptures.
  2. What is the sound attitude that the New Testament believers should have toward Proverbs?

2. The Principles for Man to Live a Proper Human Life

  1. What are the "nuggets" presented in this message concerning how man can live a proper human life?
  2. What does it mean to revere God?

3. The Detailed Precepts for Man to Live a Proper Human Life (1)

  1. What kind of persons should we be when we come to Proverbs and to any book of the Bible?
  2. What are the paths of life and the ways of death?

4. Touching the Word of God by Our New Man

  1. How practically can we study the Bible by the new man?
  2. Explain why it is so important to come to the Word of God not to become perfect by cultivating the self but to receive nourishment and enlightenment by praying in spirit.

5. The Detailed Precepts for Man to Live a Proper Human Life (2)

  1. Describe some of the detailed precepts ("gems") mentioned in this message.
  2. How does Proverbs 28:13 apply to our experience today as Christians?

6. Coming to Proverbs to Cultivate Our Regenerated New Man

  1. What are the five factors which are now mingled with the regenerated human spirit?
  2. How can we use the proper, spiritual proverbs for the cultivation of our regenerated new man?

7. The Detailed Precepts for Man to Live a Proper Human Life (3)

  1. What are some of the portions in Proverbs that speak of the Lord's dealing with man?
  2. What are some of the portions in Proverbs that speak of our dealing with the Lord?

8. Unsing Proverbs for Building Up the New Man

  1. Using this message as a base, explain the position of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs in the arrangement of the books of the Bible.
  2. What is the relationship between knowing and experiencing God's redemption and our coming to the book of Proverbs?