
生命读经 Exodus

1. 介绍性文字

  1. Compare and contrast the books of Genesis and Exodus both historically and experientially.
  2. What is the central thought of the book of Exodus?

2. Israel Under Slavery

  1. What are the three aspects of the world as typified in the Bible and how were the children of Israel enslaved in the book of Exodus?
  2. Why is the key to the second half of Exodus 1 with the female life?

3. Preparation of the Savior

  1. Describe how, in Exodus 2, God used the female life in the preparation of the savior.
  2. Compare and contrast being a female and a male in the eyes of the Lord and how does the Lord use each for His economy? How does the enemy use each?

4. The Life Useful to God

  1. What is the underlying theme that links Exodus 1 and 2?
  2. Describe a life that is useful to God. What are the issues of living an independent life and the issues of living a dependent life?

5. God's Calling of the Prepared One (1)

  1. What is the full significance of God's calling of Moses in Exodus 3? Mention the motivation, time, and place of God's calling.
  2. Who is the calling one? What is meant by the most wonderful title of God, "I AM THAT I AM"?

6. God's Calling of the Prepared One (2)

  1. How did God deal with His called one and according to the experience of Moses? How does God deal with us?
  2. What is the significance of the thorn bush burning but not being consumed and how does this relate to us?

7. The Corporate Thorn-Bush

  1. Explain the connection between Genesis 3 and Exodus 3.
  2. How were both Moses as the individual thornbush and the children of Israel as the corporate thornbush transformed?

8. The Three Signs

  1. What are the three subjective signs God showed Moses and what does each one signify? Why is the objective sign shown to Moses not enough?
  2. What is each sign in opposition to and what should each subjective sign causes us to do?

9. The Male Help and the Female Help to the Called One

  1. According to this message, explain the significance of "matching." Describe why Moses needed Aaron's matching.
  2. Explain the significance of "cutting" and describe why Moses needed Zipporah's cutting.

10. The Complete View of God's Call of Moses

  1. This message is a review of God's complete call of Moses. What are the other four aspects of God's calling? How does the burning bush represent the church and what is the focal point of the divine revelation in the Scriptures from the standpoint of the burning bush?
  2. How can we say that what Moses experienced in type, Paul experienced in reality? Please explain what it means to "bear a sign of having been cut."

11. The Purpose of God's Calling

  1. What is the purpose of God's calling of Moses based on this message? Why is it crucial for us as believers to pass through the wilderness before we get to the good land?
  2. What does the mountain in the wilderness typify? What are the steps and the ultimate purpose of God's calling?

12. The Three Stations in Fulfilling God's Purpose

  1. What were the three stations in fulfilling God's purpose? In our experience, what is the first station of God's salvation and what separates us from worldliness?
  2. According to the mountain top experience of Moses, explain how the ten commandments and the revelation of the mountain display what kind of life we should live.

13. God's Demand and Pharaoh's Resistance (1)

  1. What was the first conflict between Jehovah and Pharaoh for the release of Israel? What is the significance of feasting and why does God want us to feast?
  2. Who does Pharoah symbolize and what does he do to frustrate God's move? Please explain how we are the practical, subjective "pharaoh." What is God's salvation to us in this matter?

14. Jehovah God's Name and His Covenant

  1. What new aspect of God's name was revealed to Moses in Exodus 6 and what does this aspect signify? How is knowing the name of a person different from knowing the person by that name?
  2. God's promise is God's word and acts as a contract. What was His covenant with Moses and the children of Israel? What is one of the greatest oaths in the New Testament and what is the significance of that oath?

15. God's Further Training of Moses

  1. According to Exodus 6, what were the six matters of God's further training of Moses?
  2. What are the very important lessons that we need to learn from God's dealing with Moses' natural concept?

16. God's Demand and Pharaoh's Resistance (2)

  1. With regards to the life in Egypt, what is the purpose and significance of the third conflict, the first plague?
  2. What was the second conflict and how did it expose the true nature of Egyptian living?

17. God's Demand and Pharaoh's Resistance (3)

  1. Explain the significance of the fourth plague both from God's side and from Pharaoh's side.
  2. What is the fifth plague and what does it reveal about the source of supply of the living in the world?

18. God's Demand and Pharaoh's Resistance (4)

  1. The second group of three plagues dealt mainly with the air. What were the sixth through eighth conflicts and what things did the plagues accomplish for God?
  2. How do the various plagues exemplify God's fine way of dealing with the world? Why is it necessary for God's people to see the real condition of our fallen human life?

19. God's Demand and Pharaoh's Resistance (5)

  1. This message describes the third group of three plagues. What were these three plagues and what principles did God alter in each of them?
  2. From the first plague (blood) to the ninth plague (darkness) we see that the life of the world is altogether a matter of death. What is the result of seeing this detailed vision of the world?

20. Pharaoh's Subtle Bargaining

  1. What was God's demand and two-part goal in having the children of Israel leave Egypt? How can we apply this to our own journey today?
  2. How did Pharoah resist God's demand? How did God deal with Pharaoh? Consider two examples in your life with the Lord that mirror this same conflict.

21. The Hardening of Pharaoh's Heart

  1. Who hardened Pharaoh's heart? How does this conflict illustrate God's sovereignty and man's free will?
  2. How were God's sovereignty and man's free will involved in the hardening of Pharaoh's heart?

22. God's Demand and Pharaoh's Resistance (6)

  1. How do we see God's sovereignty in the conflicts between God and Pharaoh?
  2. How do we see God's mercy through Moses? What is the connection between God's sovereignty and mercy?

23. The Passover (1)

  1. From the picture in Exodus 12, how do we see that the entire Passover (not just the lamb) is a type of Christ? Why does Paul say that Christ is our Passover and not say that Christ is our lamb in 1 Corinthians 5:7?
  2. Describe in detail all the aspects of the lamb of the Passover.

24. The Passover (2)

  1. According to message 24, what is the first way to apply the Passover? Why did the children of Israel have to have their loins girded, sandals on their feet, and a staff on their hand? What is the point of these three items? How do they help us apply the Passover?
  2. What are the two additional items mentioned in this message that help us to apply the Passover? Describe what they are and their significance.

25. The Passover (3)

  1. This message mentions five additional items that help us apply the Passover. Describe these items and their significance. In the feast of unleavened bread why was the bread free of leaven?
  2. List the positive and negative items that are both included and excluded from the Passover. Include the significances of these items.

26. Israel's Exodus from Egypt (1)

  1. For a proper exodus from the world, our environment needs to be subdued. How was the environment of the children of Israel subdued, thus making it conducive for their leaving of Egypt? How can we apply this to our experience of God's salvation?
  2. What is the significance of the children of Israel leaving as an army marching out?

27. Israel's Exodus from Egypt (2)

  1. Why do we need Christ as our substitute not only for our redemption but also for our sanctification?
  2. What is the significance of the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night?

28. Pharaoh's Last Struggle

  1. Explain how the Passover, the exodus, and the crossing of the Red Sea typify three aspects of God's salvation.
  2. In Exodus 13:20, we see a pillar as a wall with darkness on the Egyptian side and light on the side of God's people. What is the significance of this in the light of a Christian's experience?

29. Israel's Crossing of the Red Sea

  1. What is the relationship between Israel's crossing of the Red Sea and the mountain and sanctuary in Exodus 15:17? What is the significance of this relationship to the believers in Christ?
  2. The children of Israel's crossing the Red Sea was a type of baptism. What does baptism require and why must both the baptizer and the baptized have it?

30. Israel's Experience at Marah

  1. What principle is established by the experience of the children of Israel at Marah? How does it apply to the New Testament believers in their experience of Christ?
  2. According to the picture in Exodus 15, how does the Lord Jesus become our Healer?

31. Israel's Experience at Elim

  1. What does it mean that the children of Israel, in resurrection, were led by the Lord as the pillar to go south instead of north toward the promised good land?
  2. How are the twelve springs and seventy palm trees at Elim related to the carrying out of God's New Testament ministry? Describe the details and significance of traveling from Marah to Elim.

32. The Experience of Manna

  1. Why did the children of Israel have a failure in their flesh immediately after the positive experience at Elim? How did God deal with the flesh of the children of Israel in the wilderness between Elim and Sinai?
  2. Briefly describe the way manna is sent.

33. God's Dealing with the Flesh of His People

  1. What are the two miracles in Exodus 16 and what do they have to do with God showing His sufficiency?
  2. Describe the way God dealt with the children of Israel's murmuring about not having food. Why did God not send the manna immediately upon the Exodus of His people from Egypt?

34. The Change of Diet

  1. As implied by the picture in Exodus 16, what is the most crucial matter in the book of Exodus and why is it more crucial than the pictures of the Passover in chapter 12 and the exodus in chapter 14?
  2. Compare and contrast the Egyptian diet and the heavenly diet. What does it mean that the heavenly diet fulfills God's purpose?

35. The Heavenly Diet—Manna (1)

  1. Describe how manna is a type of Christ. According to the revelation concerning man's eating in the entire Bible, how are manna and the tree of life related?
  2. How is manna as the unique food for God's people related to the ministry in the Lord's recovery? What is the relationship between our eating and our living?

36. The Heavenly Diet—Manna (2)

  1. What are the characteristics of manna spoken of in this message?
  2. What is God's intention in giving the children of Israel manna in chapter 16 of Exodus? How should we live day by day?

37. The Heavenly Diet—Manna (3)

  1. What are the characteristics of manna spoken of in this message?
  2. Expecting to receive manna from the Lord, take a few minutes to contact the Lord. Consider before the Lord and under His shining; ask Him about your diet and reevaluate your morning times with the Lord.

38. The Heavenly Diet—Manna (4)

  1. Why was the manna placed in a golden pot and why was it put into the ark along with the tablets of the covenant?
  2. What is the difference between the open manna and the hidden manna? How do we have the hidden manna in the center of our being? What is our particular need as the serving priests to God?

39. The Heavenly Diet—Manna (5)

  1. What does the manna in the golden pot indicate? What is the significance of the hidden manna within the ark in the Holy of Holies? What is the relationship between the hidden manna and the testimony in the ark?
  2. Revelation 2:17 reveals that the hidden manna is for the overcomers, for the building of God's dwelling place. Show this by connecting Revelation 2:17 with the picture of the tabernacle, the Holy of Holies, the ark, the golden pot, and the hidden manna in Exodus 16.

40. The Living Water Out of the Smitten Rock (1)

  1. What is the relationship between the manna and the living water? How does the presentation of the tree and the river differ between Genesis 2 and Revelation 22, and how does this reflect our spiritual experience?
  2. Using your own words, explain the typology and its significance of the rock being smitten by the rod of Moses. What is the proper understanding of the cleft rock? Write down each aspect and its corresponding verse references.

41. The Living Water Out of the Smitten Rock (2)

  1. According to Psalm 103:7 what was the children of Israel's lack? What did they need to understand?
  2. What do Massah and Meribah mean? What was God's intention in leading the children of Israel to Massah and Meribah?

42. The Water of Life in Resurrection

  1. Following the progression in the introduction, explain how the water of life flows in resurrection. How do we see the major steps of Christ's accomplishments in the type of the cleft rock?
  2. What does the water of life flow out of, through, and in? In your own words, explain each proposition briefly.

43. Drinking the Water of Life (1)

  1. What is the basic principle concerning man's relationship with God? What three books of the Bible reveal this principle?
  2. In the Bible eating is presented before drinking. What verses place drinking first? What does this change of order reveal about drinking?

44. Drinking the Water of Life (2)

  1. Although we have been positioned to drink the Lord, what three things do we need in order to drink Him?
  2. How do we drink the Lord? What verses reveal the way to drink? What is the connection between drinking the Lord and worshipping Him?

45. Flowing the Water of Life

  1. What two things do we need to maintain our thirst for the Lord? What is the best way to bring about the inner flowing of the water of life?
  2. Why is it critical that we be identified with the smitten Christ?

46. The Defeat of Amalek

  1. In Exodus 17 what does Amalek signify? What is required of us before we can be strengthened to fight against the flesh?
  2. What are the three aspects of the defeat of Amalek revealed in this message and what do they signify for us today?

47. The Continual Fighting Against Amalek

  1. Use the defeat of Amalek (a type of the flesh) to connect the two sections of Exodus mentioned in this message.
  2. What are the four ways mentioned to fight against Amalek?

48. Amalek Versus Kingship

  1. How do we see the flesh versus grace in the picture of Ishmael and Isaac?
  2. Show the various ways that the flesh (typified by Amalek) is versus the kingdom.

49. The Type of the Kingdom

  1. Why are the events in Exodus 18 placed between the two sections in the book of Exodus?
  2. Explain how Exodus 18 is a picture of the kingdom.

50. Brought Into the Presence of God and Into the Knowledge of Him

  1. According to the portrait in Exodus 19, how do we enter into fellowship with God?
  2. What is the result of remaining in fellowship with God?

51. The Testimony of God Revealing Him to His People

  1. What is the primary function of the law?
  2. According to the Ten Commandments, describe what kind of God we have.

52. The Law Being the Living Word of God Infusing His Substance Into His Loving Seekers

  1. Explain how it is that we should view the law in a positive sense. How can we keep the requirements of the law?
  2. Compare the two kinds of people in the Bible that dealt with the law. How can we practically be the loving seekers of God?

53. God Seeking Lovers in Giving His Law to His People

  1. Where, when, and how did God betroth Himself to Israel?
  2. What steps did God take to woo His people? How are God and His people made one?

54. Keeping the Law of God by Loving Him and His Word and Becoming One with Him (1)

  1. What are the two aspects of the law? How is God's dispensing related or not related to them?
  2. How do we "keep the law"? How does the affectionate love between man and woman illustrate the love between God and His people?

55. Keeping the Law of God by Loving Him and His Word and Becoming One with Him (2)

  1. How do we know the entire Bible is a divine romance? Show this by using creation, Israel, the church, and the New Jerusalem.
  2. What is the relationship between keeping the law of God and becoming one with Him?

56. How the Old Testament Seekers of God Enjoyed His Law (1)

  1. Why is Psalm 119 related to the law?
  2. Explain how Psalm 119 shows us how God's seekers enjoyed His law.

57. How the Old Testament Seekers of God Enjoyed His Law (2)

  1. How did the writer of Psalm 119 enjoy God's law as His living word and how did he handle it as God's word?
  2. How do these ways correspond to our spiritual experience?

58. The Function of God's Law as His Living Word to His Loving Seekers

  1. How should we handle the Word of God and what is the result when we handle it in such a way?
  2. How does God's law as His living word function to those who lovingly seek Him?

59. The Blessing Received by the Loving Seekers of God Through His Law as His Law as His Living Word (1)

  1. What keeps us from receiving the blessing in the Word of God and how should we come to the Word of God?
  2. When we come to the Word with the correct attitude and proper condition, what are the aspects of the blessings we receive?

60. The Blessing Received by the Loving Seekers of God Through His Law as His Law as His Living Word (2)

  1. What is the highlight of all the blessings we receive through the living Word of God?
  2. When we come to the Word in a right way, how do we enjoy the Lord?

61. The Negative Aspect of the Giving of the Law and Its Function (1)

  1. Explain the twofold significance of Mount Horeb.
  2. Why is our condition so important when we come to the Word?

62. The Negative Aspect of the Giving of the Law and Its Function (2)

  1. What is the negative aspect of the giving of the law and why is there a negative aspect of the giving of the law?
  2. How is our experience of reading the Bible determined by our condition?

63. The Negative Aspect of the Giving of the Law and Its Function (3)

  1. Explain the three negative aspects of the function of the law.
  2. Why is it necessary for God to show us how high His commandments and requirements are?

64. Apart from the Living God the Law Becoming Killing Letters

  1. What does Romans 7 reveal about the law?
  2. How do we not end up like the Judaizers or the Galatians?

65. The Veil Over the Glory of the Ministry of Condemnation and Death

  1. How did Paul interpret the ministry of Moses?
  2. What does the veil Moses wore signify? How does this relate to us in the context of 2 Corinthians 3:13-18?

66. The Ordinances of the Law Concerning the Worship of God

  1. According to the ordinances in Exodus 20, how should we worship God?
  2. What is the significance of erecting an altar with earth and stone? How does this apply to us today?

67. The Pollution Caused by Man's Work and the Nakedness Exposed Through Man's Way

  1. What does man's work cause, and what does man's way expose? What are the solutions to each?
  2. What kind of worship does God desire and why?

68. The First Ordinance of the Law Concerning Man's Relationship with Others

  1. What is the spirit of the first ordinance?
  2. What does the slave in Exodus 21:1-6 typify? How does this section apply to us?

69. The Sundry Ordinances of the Law

  1. What do the sundry ordinances require us to do, and what do these ordinances imply?
  2. What is the result of keeping these ordinances?

70. The Implications, Indications, and Significances of the Ordinances of the Law (1)

  1. Explain the two indications and nine significances pointed out in this message.
  2. How does the decree of the law indicate man's fall and man's living under the fall?

71. The Implications, Indications, and Significances of the Ordinances of the Law (2)

  1. What can we learn from these ordinances concerning how to live in Christ and how to enjoy Him?
  2. How do the feasts of unleavened bread, harvest, and ingathering typify our enjoyment of the Triune God in Christ?

72. The Implications, Indications, and Significances of the Ordinances of the Law (3)

  1. As we are enjoying the Triune God in Christ as typified by the feasts, we need to observe four supplementary ordinances. What are these four ordinances, and what do they typify?
  2. Give a brief summary of how the ordinances in Exodus 21 through 23 are a picture of our experience today.

73. The Angel of Jehovah for His People to Take Possession of the Promised Land (1)

  1. In Exodus 23, what are the seven points revealed about the Angel of Jehovah?
  2. What do the boundaries and frustraters of the promised land signify? What is the way for us to take possession of the land (Christ)?

74. The Angel of Jehovah for His People to Take Possession of the Promised Land (2)

  1. Why is it important for us to listen to the Lord's voice and not provoke Him in relation to taking possession of the promised land?
  2. What does it mean for God to drive out the pagan tribes "little by little"? In our experience, what are the two ways God accomplishes this?

75. The Angel of Jehovah for His People to Take Possession of the Promised Land (3)

  1. Why must we hate our natural life? Using Romans 8, explain how God will come in to honor us and strengthen us if we take the initiative to drive out the natural life.
  2. According to Exodus 23:25-26, how does Jehovah care for His people in a complete way? Why is God blessing His people's food and drink significant?

76. The Enactment of the Covenant (1)

  1. Why did the law need to be enacted to become a covenant? How was the law enacted?
  2. What made the enactment of the law in Exodus 24 so unique? What is the spiritual significance of the altar and the twelve pillars?

77. The Enactment of the Covenant (2)

  1. What is the spiritual significance of the offerings and the blood in relation to the enactment of the law?
  2. How is Exodus 24:1-8 a picture of God's economy? Instead of striving to keep God's law, what four things do we need?

78. The Blood of the Covenant (1)

  1. How are the altar, pillars, sacrifices, and blood related to the enactment of the law? How are these related to God's economy?
  2. What is the two-fold function of the law? What is the basic principle of the divine economy?

79. The Blood of the Covenant (2)

  1. Into what better things does the blood for forgiveness of sin usher the believers? What is the result of receiving these better things?
  2. What does the blood of the covenant accomplish for the believers? How does the blood of the covenant allow God to fulfill His intention?

80. The Vision of God in a Transparent and Clear Heaven and the Stay with God Under His Glory

  1. How are the vision of God in a transparent and clear heaven and also the stay with God under His shekinah glory related to our spiritual experience?
  2. What does the picture of Moses on the mountaintop show us about our fellowship with the Lord?

81. The Vision of the Tabernacle and Its Furniture Concerning the Materials and the Pattern (1)

  1. How do we see the vision of the tabernacle?
  2. How were the materials presented to God? How does this apply to us today?

82. The Vision of the Tabernacle and Its Furniture Concerning the Materials and the Pattern (2)

  1. The minerals are the first category of materials mentioned in Exodus 25:1-9. What does this indicate?
  2. What do the minerals in Exodus 25:1-9 signify? How does God use this material to build up His dwelling place?

83. The Vision of the Tabernacle and Its Furniture Concerning the Materials and the Pattern (3)

  1. What is the significance of each category of materials in Exodus 25:1-9?
  2. What does bronze signify, and how do we experience this in our daily life?

84. The Ark of the Testimony (1)

  1. How does the ark of the testimony typify Christ?
  2. What is the significance of the materials, size, and rim of the ark?

85. The Ark of the Testimony (2)

  1. What do the four gold rings and the way in which they were formed signify?
  2. What do the poles of the ark indicate regarding the Lord's move?

86. The Ark of the Testimony (3)

  1. What are the seven major points related to the description and significance of the propitiatory cover on the ark?
  2. How can we, who are so sinful, natural, and full of offenses, meet with God in the glorious Christ?

87. The Ark of the Testimony (4)

  1. What relationship do the three parts of the tabernacle have with the three parts of man? Who is the very Christ in our spirit?
  2. How is the testimony of God, the God-man, the topmost part of Christ, the portrait of God meeting with man seen in the ark?

88. The Ark of the Testimony (5)

  1. How do we enjoy Christ as the ark and live Christ?
  2. How do Paul and John speak of the things related to Christ as the ark with the propitiatory cover?

89. The Ark of the Testimony (6)

  1. Explain how the book of Hebrews is a definition of the ark.
  2. How do we experience the ark?

90. The Table of the Bread of the Presence (1)

  1. Explain how the ark becomes a table. Who is qualified to access its nourishing life supply?
  2. What is the distinction between the manna and the table of the bread of the Presence? Why is the location of each significant?

91. The Table of the Bread of the Presence (2)

  1. Review the various features of the table of the bread of the Presence. What is the significance of the use of acacia wood and gold in each? What is the significance of its size?
  2. Explain how the bread of the Presence is food both to God and His priests. What is the significance of the bread being on the table within the Holy Place of the tabernacle?

92. The Lampstand (1)

  1. Using the three aspects of the lampstand (the substance, the stand, and the lamps), explain how the lampstand signifies the expression of the Triune God.
  2. What is the meaning of the expression "the light of life" in John 1:4? What is necessary for the believers to shine the divine light?

93. The Lampstand (2)

  1. What are the outstanding features of the lampstand that suggest it is a growing tree?
  2. What are the two aspects of the lampstand that point to the humanity of Christ? What does the wick signify? What is a practical way to have it trimmed, and what is the result?

94. The Lampstand (3) Growing, Branching, Budding, and Blossoming to Shine the Light

  1. What is the growth of the lampstand? Why is it crucial for all the branches to give the lampstand a free way to grow in them and through them?
  2. What are the five issues of the shining of the lampstand?

95. The Covering of the Tabernacle (1)

  1. What are the various features of the first layer of the covering of the tabernacle? How does this layer show us Christ's fine and balanced humanity?
  2. Why is it necessary to know the Lord Jesus in His humanity?

96. The Covering of the Tabernacle (2)

  1. What do the different aspects of the second layer of the covering reveal about the Lord Jesus?
  2. What is the significance of the third and fourth layers of the covering?

97. The Boards of the Tabernacle (1)

  1. What do the boards of the tabernacle typify?
  2. What is the significance of the acacia wood, gold, measurements and numbers of the boards?

98. The Boards of the Tabernacle (2)

  1. What is the significance of the tenons and the sockets?
  2. What is the significance of the rings and the bars?

99. The Veil Within the Tabernacle (1)

  1. Why was there the need for a separating veil within the tabernacle?
  2. What do the veil and the pillars typify? What is the meaning of the veil being placed on the pillars?

100. The Veil Within the Tabernacle (2)

  1. Why did Paul regard the one tabernacle as two tabernacles?
  2. What do the Holy Place, Holy of Holies, and the veil signify? How do they apply to our spiritual experience?

101. The Curtain for the Door of the Tent (1)

  1. What do the types of the screen and veil reveal regarding our entering into the tabernacle?
  2. What is the significance of the three entrances and the two pillars of the tabernacle?

102. The Curtain for the Door of the Tent (2)

  1. What is the correlation between the outer court and the inner court and 1 and 2 Corinthians?
  2. What are the two aspects of Christ's death? Explain the importance of each.

103. The Curtain for the Door of the Tent (3)

  1. What are the two aspects of reconciliation? How do they relate to the tabernacle and 2 Corinthians 5?
  2. What is the way to live a life in the Holy of Holies?

104. The Altar of Burnt Offering (1)

  1. What does the altar of burnt offering signify? Why is the experience of the cross the basis for all spiritual experiences?
  2. What is the significance of the Lord's table according to this message?

105. The Altar of Burnt Offering (2)

  1. What is the picture we see in Exodus 27? What is the significance of the grating and the four rings in our spiritual experience?
  2. Using the picture of the altar, explain how the Spirit is for burning and moving.

106. The Altar of Burnt Offering (3)

  1. Define the "grating" and the "four rings" as seen in the New Testament.
  2. What is the revelation of the cross of Christ and how should we understand it today?

107. The Altar of Burnt Offering (4)

  1. What does it mean that Christ offered Himself through the eternal Spirit (in Hebrews 9:14) in light of the grating and the rings?
  2. Brother Lee presents his burden three times in this message. Find and highlight these three instances and explain what the real burden of the message is.

108. The Altar of Burnt Offering (5)

  1. What does the grating issuing in four rings signify?
  2. What are the poles for and how do they carry the altar? What does this signify?

109. The Altar of Burnt Offering (6)

  1. What is the significance of the height of the part of the altar above the grating being the same as the part underneath the grating? How do we realize its significance?
  2. "Here we see the redeeming Christ issuing in the all-inclusive Spirit for His move through His Body." How can this be seen in the type of the altar.

110. The Court of the Tabernacle (1)

  1. How can righteousness and holiness be related to the image of God as seen in 2 Corinthians 3?
  2. "The linen hangs only on the judgment of God." What does this mean? How can we have white linen today?

111. The Court of the Tabernacle (2)

  1. Consider the hangings of the court. How can we express God in Christ as righteousness?
  2. Consider the following quote: "First we are judged, then we are redeemed, and then we are connected and have a glorious crown." How can we see this from the pillars and their sockets?

112. The Court of the Tabernacle (3)

  1. What is the significance of the front side of the tabernacle with the gate? Why is such a picture portrayed at the front of the gate of the tabernacle?
  2. What are the basic principles of the gospel mentioned in this message? What is the goal of God's gospel? What are the terms of believing in the Lord and entering into Him?

113. The Court of the Tabernacle (4)

  1. What does bronze signify? Explain the relationship between judgment and redemption.
  2. As an exercise, outline the truths of the gospel typified by the gates of the court of the tabernacle.

114. The Lighting of the Lamps and the Garments for the Priesthood (1)

  1. Describe the light in the Holy Place and what it means for us as New Testament priests to light the lamp.
  2. What does it mean to have the reality of the priestly garments in our experience and how is it related to the lighting of the lamp?

115. The Lighting of the Lamps and the Garments for the Priesthood (2)

  1. What is the significance of the characteristics of using pure olive oil in lighting the lamp?
  2. How is the lighting of the lamp related to having the proper sanctuary?

116. The Priestly Garments (1)

  1. Citing both Old Testament and New Testament references, how do we see that the spiritual house and the holy priesthood are one entity?
  2. In order to gain the spiritual house, what needs to take place among the priests?

117. The Priestly Garments (2)

  1. List three references in the Bible concerning the precious building materials and explain what this reveals about God's goal.
  2. How is the priestly garment related to the building?

118. The Priestly Garments (3)

  1. What does the priestly garment signify and what does it mean for someone to wear it?
  2. What do the two items "for glory and for beauty" signify in the description of the priestly garment?

119. The Priestly Garments (4)

  1. In what way are we held to the Lord?
  2. What do the materials of the ephod show us of our experience of Christ?

120. The Priestly Garments (5)

  1. How do the gold and the linen show the process and mingling of divinity and humanity?
  2. The onyx stone and the gold filigree are both parts of the ephod. How do these two objects show the mutual beautification of the believers and Christ?

121. The Priestly Garments (6)

  1. "But a picture is better than a thousand words." Explain this quote from this message in the light of Exodus 28 and the New Testament.
  2. What are the five colors used in the ephod? What does each represent and how was each expressed through the Lord Jesus on earth?

122. The Priestly Garments (7)

  1. On the ephod the onyx stones were placed on the shoulder-pieces. What held and fastened the onyx stones on the shoulder-pieces?
  2. What does it mean to say that we are fastened and upheld by the Lord? Why do we need to be fastened and upheld?

123. The Priestly Garments (8)

  1. The breastplate signifies both the church and God's leading. How are the church and God's leading related?
  2. What are the dimensions of the breastplate? What is the significance of the unit of measure used in relation to the church?

124. The Priestly Garments (9)

  1. Using the illustration of petrified wood, explain how a person becomes transformed into a stone on the breastplate of God.
  2. What is the significance of the twelve stones being arranged in four rows of three?

125. The Priestly Garments (10)

  1. In our experience, what is the fine difference between Christ's divinity as signified by the gold chains and the Spirit of Christ as signified by the gold rings?
  2. Which two pieces of garments signify Christ holding us and upholding us? What is the difference between the two?

126. The Priestly Garments (11)

  1. Describe briefly the historical arrangement of the Urim and Thummim in the breastplate and its spiritual significances.
  2. How is the Urim and Thummim related to the living letters in 2 Corinthians 3? What is necessary for the Lord to speak through us?

127. The Priestly Garments (12)

  1. Why could the Lord answer David but not King Saul through the Urim and Thummim?
  2. How are the Urim and Thummim types of Christ? Use verses from the New Testament to support your answer.

128. The Priestly Garments (13)

  1. Explain using the type of the Urim and Thummim how Christ is the completer and perfecter in our experience.
  2. What is the purpose of Christ's being the spiritual alphabet?

129. The Priestly Garments (14)

  1. What was God's way of speaking through the breastplate with the Urim and the Thummim?
  2. What is our need as the church to be the breastplate of judgment?

130. The Priestly Garments (15)

  1. What is the significance of the long robe in typology? Use Isaiah 6:1 in your answer.
  2. What is the significance of the pomegranates and the bells on the skirts of the long robe?

131. The Priestly Garments (16)

  1. What is a priest?
  2. What do the linen coverings signify? Use Philippians 3:9 in your answer.

132. The Priestly Garments (17)

  1. What are some natural concepts of holiness? What is holiness as revealed in the Bible?
  2. Describe the operation of the Triune God and its results in 1 Peter 1:2.

133. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (1)

  1. What does consecration in Exodus 29 mean? How is this related to sanctification?
  2. How do we have our hands filled with Christ?

134. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (2)

  1. What is the significance of the sin offering?
  2. How do we experience Christ as our sin offering? How is this related to our being filled and to our enjoying and feeding on Christ?

135. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (3)

  1. How does Exodus 29 reveal the way for us to serve as priests?
  2. Why is it important for us as priests to experience Christ as the sin offering?

136. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (4)

  1. According to Exodus 29, what is the significance of the burnt offering?
  2. According to Exodus 29, what is the significance of the peace offering?

137. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (5)

  1. What are some of the details of sanctification and their significances revealed in Exodus 29?
  2. What are the steps of the sanctifying of the priests?

138. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (6)

  1. What was God's portion in Exodus 29? What about Moses' portion and the priests' portion? What does this indicate?
  2. How do we see a complete view of sanctification in Exodus 29?

139. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (7)

  1. The statutes in Exodus 29:29-42a are related to which three matters?
  2. Explain clearly the steps of the sanctification of Aaron and his sons to be priests as revealed in Exodus 28 and 29. What is the goal of this sanctification?

140. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (8)

  1. What is the relationship between being clothed and being anointed? What does it mean to wear priestly garments for seven days?
  2. The second ram was to be eaten only in Zion; it had to be eaten in the holy court. What does this signify?

141. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (9)

  1. What is the difference between sin and sins?
  2. What is the sin offering for? Why do we need the sin offering everyday?

142. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (10)

  1. Explain how the sin offering, propitiation, and the illustration of "inviting God to dinner" are related.
  2. How is raising Christ as a bull for the sin offering related to growing Christ and bringing Christ to the meetings?

143. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (11)

  1. What is the function of the sin offering?
  2. Explain how Exodus 29 is a picture of a Christian's daily life.

144. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (12)

  1. Based on Exodus 29, how can we say that the oil typifies Christ as the anointing Spirit?
  2. What does it mean to raise Christ as a lamb and to grow Him as wheat, olive trees, and vines? What is the result?

145. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (13)

  1. What are the five attitudes some Christians have toward the Old Testament types? How should we take the Old Testament?
  2. Explain in detail the picture of Christ seen in Exodus 29.

146. The Sanctification of Aaron and His Sons to be the Priests (14)

  1. What are some practical ways to overcome living the Christian life in an old way?
  2. How can we experience Christ daily in a practical way as the meal offering?

147. The Golden Incense Altar (1)

  1. What is the significance of the location of the golden incense altar in a) the sequence in the book of Exodus and b) among the other pieces of furniture in the tabernacle?
  2. How is the golden incense altar related to God's administration?

148. The Golden Incense Altar (2)

  1. What is genuine prayer and what is a proper prayer life? What part of the tabernacle are they related to?
  2. What are the materials and dimensions of the tabernacle and what is the significance of each?

149. The Golden Incense Altar (3)

  1. Explain how Christ is the reality of all the offerings and the entrance and way into the tabernacle?
  2. Spiritually speaking, what does it mean to "burn the incense"?

150. The Golden Incense Altar (4)

  1. What does it look like to seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness?
  2. How are the two altars in the tabernacle connected?

151. The Golden Incense Altar (5)

  1. How do blood and fire connect the altar in the outer court and the incense altar?
  2. Why is it necessary to become "a heap of ashes" to experience Christ at the incense altar?

152. The Golden Incense Altar (6)

  1. How is the incense altar the destination of our "divine tour"?
  2. What are the significances of "strange fire" and "strange incense"?

153. The Propitiation Silver (1)

  1. What is the deeper significance of the relationship of the incense altar and the propitiation silver?
  2. How do Exodus 30:11-16, Numbers 1:45-46, and Ephesians 6 relate to God's move on the earth?

154. The Propitiation Silver (2)

  1. How does spiritual maturity relate to the intercession at the incense altar?
  2. Why is it important that we experience the ascended Christ as the ransom silver and what is produced from this experience?

155. The Propitiation Silver (3)

  1. How is the propitiation silver related to God's move? What is the significance of the half-shekel of silver and how do we pay it?
  2. Why were both the rich and poor required to pay the half-shekel? What is the significance of this?

156. The Laver of Bronze

  1. Why is the laver necessary for the operation of the tabernacle?
  2. What is the significance of the bronze of the altar and the laver? How can we be washed today?

157. The Holy Anointing Oil (1)

  1. Why is the holy anointing oil revealed at the end of Exodus 30?
  2. What is the significance of the compound ointment in Exodus 30?

158. The Holy Anointing Oil (2)

  1. Where do we see the numbers four and one in the holy anointing oil? What does this represent?
  2. The holy anointing oil was "not to be poured upon the flesh of man" nor a "stranger." What does this mean?

159. The Holy Anointing Oil (3)

  1. What are the five elements of the anointing oil? How was the Spirit compounded through Christ's sufferings?
  2. What is unique about the Spirit of Christ in relation to the Spirit of God and the Spirit of life in Romans 8? How is the Spirit of Christ related to Exodus 30?

160. The Compound Ointment—The Compound Spirit (1)

  1. What does it mean to enjoy Christ merely as the Lamb, the manna, and the drink? Compare this to the enjoyment of Christ as the tabernacle and priesthood.
  2. The holy anointing oil is a compound ointment. What does it mean to say it is a "compound"? If this compound is so important, why is it mentioned at the end of Exodus 30 and not earlier?

161. The Compound Ointment—The Compound Spirit (2)

  1. Each title of the Spirit denotes certain facts and emphasizes different aspects of the Triune God. What does the "not yet" Spirit emphasize?
  2. What does the Spirit of Holiness emphasize? What is the function of the Spirit of Holiness?

162. The Compound Ointment—The Compound Spirit (3)

  1. What is the first title of the Spirit according to God's New Testament economy? Why is that title first?
  2. What is the context of Peter's mentioning of the Spirit of glory according to 1 Peter 4:14?

163. The Ingredients of the Compound Spirit Typified by the Compound Ointment (1)

  1. What does the middle unit of five hundred shekels being split signify?
  2. The four spices in the anointing oil signify man. Which particular man is this referring to?

164. The Ingredients of the Compound Spirit Typified by the Compound Ointment (2)

  1. Why is cinnamon, an element signifying Christ's death, something positive when applied to us? What is killed when it is applied?
  2. The anointing Spirit anoints the believers in several ways as seen in 1 John 2:18-27. What does the Spirit anoint us with?

165. The Ingredients of the Compound Spirit Typified by the Compound Ointment (3)

  1. Explain the background of 1 John and use verses to prove that Jesus is the Christ and that the Son cannot be separated from the Father.
  2. How is Christ both the Creator and a creature? Please give verse references to support your answer.

166. The Ingredients of the Compound Spirit Typified by the Compound Ointment (4)

  1. Using 1 John 2 and the one compound ointment in Exodus 30, show how Jesus, Christ, the Son, the Father, and eternal life are all one all-inclusive person.
  2. What are the ten ingredients of the compound ointment and the significance of their measure?

167. The Incense (1)

  1. Explain the divine traffic shown in Exodus 30.
  2. Describe the way to the incense altar and the particular relationship between the incense altar and the ark.

168. The Incense (2)

  1. How can we see the Triune God in the composition of the incense?
  2. What is the significance of salt in the incense and how is it related to prayer?

169. The Incense (3)

  1. What are the significances of the elements of the incense?
  2. How does the equal proportion of the four basic elements in the incense relate to our experience of Christ?

170. The Workers of the Tabernacle, the Furniture, and the Priestly Garment (1)

  1. What is the significance of Bezalel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, in relation to our building up of the church?
  2. Explain the relationship between knowledge, understanding, and wisdom for the building up of the church.

171. The Workers of the Tabernacle, the Furniture, and the Priestly Garment (2)

  1. What are the spiritual significances of working in gold, silver, and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in the carving of wood in Exodus 31:4-5?
  2. What kind of people can do the noble work of building up the church, God's dwelling place on earth today?

172. The Sabbath in Relation to the Building Work of the Tabernacle

  1. What is the significance of the Sabbath?
  2. Explain why the keeping of the Sabbath is an eternal covenant between God and His people.

173. The Breaking of the Law

  1. What is indicated by the fact that God gave Moses the design of the tabernacle and the matters related to the priesthood before giving him the tablets of the law?
  2. What principles are related to worshipping the golden calf?

174. The Principle of the Golden-Calf Idol

  1. How do we see mixture in worship in Exodus 32? What is the principle related to this kind of worship?
  2. How are the two scenes in Exodus 32 related to the situation between God and His people today?

175. The Dealing with the Idol and the Idolators

  1. How did Moses appease the Lord?
  2. How did Moses deal with the idols? How did he deal with the idolators?

176. A Companion of God (1)

  1. How was God able to go on with the children of Israel after they worshipped the golden calf?
  2. What verses in Exodus 33 show that Moses was a companion to God? Why is it important to know God's heart?

177. A Companion of God (2)

  1. How did Moses make propitiation for the people?
  2. Why did Moses bargain with God? Why was Moses able to have God's presence to a full extent?

178. Moses' Stay with God (1)

  1. Describe the scene of Moses meeting with the Lord alone in Exodus 34. How is this scene related to our meeting alone with the Lord?
  2. What was the Lord's warning concerning idolatry in Exodus 34? How does this warning apply to us today?

179. Moses' Stay with God (2)

  1. Explain how Exodus 34 and Luke 15 show God's intention. What does God's intention in Exodus 34 have to do with the fulfillment of Ephesians 5?
  2. What are the significances of the three feasts in Exodus 34? How do we enjoy these three feasts daily and what is our enjoyment of them for?

180. Moses' Stay with God (3)

  1. What are the five conditions that must be fulfilled in order for us to feast with the Lord?
  2. What is the significance of the sequence of these five conditions?

181. Moses' Stay with God (4)

  1. What is the key to understanding Exodus 34?
  2. Explain why Moses put a veil on his face when he spoke to the children of Israel. How did this relate to Paul's word in 2 Corinthians 3? What kind of speaking infuses us with God?

182. The Making of the Tabernacle with Its Furniture and the Garments for the Priests (1)

  1. What are the five conditions for enjoying the Lord mentioned in Exodus 34?
  2. What are the three feasts mentioned in Exodus 34? What is the real significance of the Sabbath?

183. The Making of the Tabernacle with Its Furniture and the Garments for the Priests (2)

  1. What is the spiritual significance of the offering of the materials?
  2. What is the spiritual significance of the preparation of the workers?

184. The Erection of the Tabernacle (1)

  1. What is the central item of the tabernacle and its furniture?
  2. What two beginnings did the children of Israel have and what is the spiritual significance of each?

185. The Erection of the Tabernacle (2)

  1. What is the relationship between the tent of meeting and the tabernacle, the cloud, and the glory?
  2. Compare the books of Genesis and Exodus. How are they different? What is the consummation of the two?