生命读经 Matthew
1. The King's Antecedents and Status (1)
- What is the general sketch and the central thought of the book of Matthew?
- Who is Jesus? How is He portrayed in the book of Matthew?
2. The King's Antecedents and Status (2)
- Why does Matthew's genealogy of Christ begin with Abraham? What are the attributes of the called race?
- Explain how the genealogy of Christ is a matter of the birthright.
3. The King's Antecedents and Status (3)
- What is it to have the birthright? Describe the kind of person who enjoys the birthright of Christ.
- What are David's two marriages spoken of in this message? What is the significance and issue of David's second marriage?
4. The King's Antecedents and Status (4)
- Consider the picture of the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah. What does it mean to be outside the line of Christ?
- Using the chart, trace the pathway of the traveling Triune God from Abraham to Christ. How is God's sovereignty seen in the fulfilling of the prophecies and the arrangement of the generations?
5. The King's Antecedents and Status (5)
- What are the four matters related to the birth of Christ? Why is each needed?
- Why does the Bible say that the Word became flesh, not man, and in what sense did He become flesh? What two things were accomplished in the birth of Christ?
6. The King's Antecedents and Status (6)
- What do the names Jesus and Emmanuel mean and how can they be used by us? Why does Satan hate the name of Jesus and try to overtake the land of Emmanuel?
- How can we dwell on the names Jesus and Emmanuel?
7. The King's Antecedents and Status (7)
- How does Matthew's record of Jesus' hidden youth demonstrate that He was a kingly child?
- Compare the religious people in the Holy Land and the wise men in the pagan land. What should those who seek the Lord depend on and be wary of in trying to find Christ? What is the way to find Christ and appreciate all that He is?
8. The King's Anointing (1)
- Discuss the significance of the statement "In Matthew 3 John appeared as Samuel and Jesus appeared as David." In your answer discuss how John the Baptist was a genuine priest, not one appointed formally or in shadow.
- John's function as the King's recommender caused people to repent and to be brought into the kingdom. Discuss the intrinsic significance of John beginning his ministry with repentance (relate this to our entrance into the kingdom).
9. The King's Anointing (2)
- The first half of message 9 covers the message of recommendation. Discuss the intrinsic significance of the three crucial words of John's message: repent, kingdom, and heavens.
- In the way of recommendation, why is it important that John (and also we today) baptize people in water?
10. The King's Anointing (3)
- Discuss the significance of the phrase "from Galilee to the Jordan" in the second half of verse 13. In our experience today, what happens along this road? (Include the King, the kingdom, and the church life in your answer.)
- The title of this section is "Anointed." Please discuss when the Lord Jesus was anointed, how He was anointed, and why He was required to be anointed. What was the testimony/confirmation of Christ's anointing?
11. The King's Anointing (4)
- For a thorough understanding of this section of verses we need to see that in God's economy we will always be tested after we have been anointed and appointed to something. The principle of these tests is always the same. With this in view, write out the three temptations in this section, the basis of the tempter's temptations, and the way the King-Savior defeated the tempter.
- Following the Lord's baptism, the same Spirit who had anointed Him for His ministry also led Him to be tested in the wilderness. Why? (Hint: what was this test intended to prove?)
12. The Beginning of the King's Ministry
- What is the intrinsic reason why John the Baptist needed to be imprisoned?
- Describe the significance of the words "riverside" and "seashore." In your answer discuss the nature of the seashore and how the Lord attracts people by the seashore.
13. The Decree of the Kingdom's Constitution (1)
- Describe the significance of the location and audience where the King decreed the kingdom's constitution. What is the Scriptural basis for saying that the kingdom's constitution was decreed to all the New Testament believers and not only to the Jews?
- What is the intrinsic significance of this first characteristic, why is it first, and what can we pray to ensure that we are in the reality of this aspect of the nature of the kingdom people?
14. The Decree of the Kingdom's Constitution (2)
- Message 14 connects 4:17 with 5:3. Discuss the significance of connecting these two verses together. Please describe how the spirit in 5:3 is related to the kingdom of the heavens; include the definition of the kingdom of the heavens (according to this message).
- The second half of message 14 covers the remaining eight blessings or aspects of the kingdom people's nature. Briefly list all nine characteristics of the kingdom people and then discuss in detail the items mentioned in verses six through eight. Include who each item is related to.
15. The Decree of the Kingdom's Constitution (3)
- Message 15 delves further into verses 1-12 to highlight what kind of people the kingdom people should be in their inward nature. This message reaveals nine words that encapsulate the nature of the kingdom people. List these nine words and discuss the significance of their sequence.
- These nine words comprise the totality of the kingdom people's nature. If we have this inward nature we will have a great reward. Discuss the reward received from each of the nine blessings and then discuss the real blessing.
16. The Decree of the Kingdom's Constitution (4)
- If we possess the nature revealed in verses 5:3-12 we will have a certain influence. What is the first aspect of the influence of the kingdom people? What happens if we lose this function?
- Use verses 14 and 15 to describe how the second aspect of the kingdom people's influence is both outward and inward.
17. The Decree of the Kingdom's Constitution (5)
- What is the meaning of the word "fulfill" in Matthew 5:17 and how did Christ fulfill the law?
- Consider the comparison between the commandments of the old law and the new law. How can believers keep an even higher law? What is the condition to enter into the kingdom?
18. The Decree of the Kingdom's Constitution (6)
- What is the principle of the law? What is the relationship between the commandments of the law and the principle of the law?
- What is the difference between keeping the law in order to be saved and having a standard of morality by faith much higher than the old law? How do believers fulfill the requirements of the highest law?
19. The Decree of the Kingdom's Constitution (7)
- Verses 21-30 reveal the new law that complements the old dispensation, whereas verses 31-48 show four laws that the king actually changed. What are the four laws and how were they changed from the old dispensation?
- Why was divorce allowed under the old law? What does the Lord say about divorce in the new law?
20. The Decree of the Kingdoms Constitution (8)
- What are the three aspects of the law? What has happened to these three aspects under the new law given by the Lord?
- What purpose do the requirements of the law of the kingdom serve today? How can we fulfill these requirements?
21. The Decree of the Kingdom's Constitution (9)
- What is the principle of the kingdom people's righteous deeds? What negative elements are exposed and dealt with by keeping this principle?
- How do we see the Divine Trinity in the Lord's prayer in vv. 9-13?
22. The Decree of the Kingdom's Constitution (10)
- What is the crucial matter in vv. 19-34? Why is this matter so crucial?
- What is the Lord's intention in vv. 19-34?
23. The Decree of the Kingdom's Constitution (11)
- What is the Lord's intention in Matthew 7:1-12? Why do we have such a lack in this area?
- Why are vv. 7-11 included in the section of dealing with others?
24. The Decree of the Kingdom's Constitution (12)
- What are the requirements to enter the narrow gate and walk the constricted way? How can we meet these requirements?
- What is the condition of entering into the kingdom of the heavens?
25. The Continuation of the King's Ministry (1)
- What is the dispensational significance of the miracles in Matthew 8:1-17?
- What is the way to follow the Lord as seen in vv. 18-22?
26. The Continuation of the King's Ministry (2)
- What does Matthew 8:23—9:8 show concerning Christ, the King? What are the three aspects shown?
- What is the significance of the Lord telling the paralytic to "rise, pick up your bed, and go to your house"?
27. The Continuation of the King's Ministry (3)
- What is implied about man's condition in the Lord's referring to Himself as a physician?
- What was the goal of John the Baptist's ministry? What should John's disciples have done once they met the Lord?
28. The Continuation of the King's Ministry (4)
- What is the significance of not putting a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment? What is the practical way to put on this new garment?
- According to Matthew 9:16-17, what is the ultimate goal of the Lord's mentioning of Him being the Bridegroom? How can we see the corporate aspect of Christ as His enlargement, and how does this goal relate to the context of our experience of Christ?
29. The Continuation of the King's Ministry (5)
- How is the repetition of the signs that have dispensational significance in 9:18-34 a picture of this age and the coming age?
- What is the environment that enabled the King to reveal Himself in the aspects of the Shepherd and Lord of the harvest? What is the way to pray while honoring the Lord?
30. The Enlargement of the Ministry
- What are the seven items of persecution in 10:16—11:1 and what are the ways to meet them?
- What is meant by the King's disturbance and what is the way of the cross to follow the heavenly King? What are the four items of assurance and encouragement that we should have as the King's sent ones?
31. The Result of the King's Ministry
- How did the King strengthen and appraise His forerunner? Why was this necessary?
- What is the proper way of receiving rejection? What is the attitude that we should have in the midst of it? What can we learn from Christ as well as the mistake of John the Baptist in relation to submitting to the Father's will?
32. The Establishment of the King's Rejection (1)
- In 12:1-14 why was the Lord rejected, and what were the five additional aspects of the Lord that were revealed in His breaking of the Sabbath?
- Through the healing of the withered hand in the temple, what do we see is truly on the Lord's heart? What does it expose of religion, and what principle must we learn regarding rejection and the establishment of the heavenly kingdom?
33. The Establishment of the King's Rejection (2)
- How do we see the raging warfare of the spiritual kingdoms behind the scenes in the King's answer to the Pharisees' climax of rejection?
- What revelation is unique to and seen only in Matthew 12?
34. The Establishment of the King's Rejection (3)
- What was the sign given to the rejecting generation? What does it show regarding Matthew's record of the gospel?
- What does the prophecy concerning Israel being likened to a demon-possessed man signify? What does the Lord's answer to His mother and brothers in 12:46-47 signify?
35. The Unveiling of the Kingdom's Mysteries (1)
- Explain the difference between the reality of the kingdom, the outward appearance of the kingdom, and the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens? What chapters in Matthew cover each of these aspects of the kingdom?
- At the end of chapter 12, Israel is cut off and a number of Bible teachers have made a mistake in their understanding of this cutting off. Identify the error and explain what actually took place using verses 49-50.
36. The Unveiling of the Kingdom's Mysteries (2)
- What is the preliminary work of the kingdom?
- What are the four types of soil revealed in the first parable and what do they signify?
37. The Unveiling of the Kingdom's Mysteries (3)
- When did the establishment of the kingdom take place? How is this different from the preliminary work of the kingdom?
- Explain the six sections of the chart in the Recovery Version showing the difference between the kingdom of the heavens and the kingdom of God.
38. The Unveiling of the Kingdom's Mysteries (4)
- The church should be like an herb to produce food, but it became a tree, a lodging place for birds, having its nature and function changed. Explain why this is abnormal. When did this happen?
- What are the three matters concerning the appearance of the kingdom of the heavens? Explain the significance of each one.
39. The Unveiling of the Kingdom's Mysteries (5)
- What is the basic thought of Matthew 13? How is it the same as the basic thought found in 1 Corinthians 3?
- Since the kingdom of the heavens and the church is the kingdom, what is the difference between them?
40. The Unveiling of the Kingdom's Mysteries (6)
- How do the first four parables match the actual situation in Christianity today?
- Explain how in the Lord's recovery we must be like a pearl and a precious stone. Practically, how do we experience becoming the pearl and the treasure?
41. The Treasure and the Pearl
- Explain how the Lord's recovery is in the fifth and sixth parable.
- Explain how the vision of the parables in Matthew 13 should cause us to take heed to how we build and stay in the constricted way.
42. The Pathway to Glory (1)
- The burden of these messages is to provide us a clear map for us to know how to walk on the pathway to glory. Why must we be willing to face rejection?
- In this message, who were the two key parties that rejected the heavenly King and what was significant about each party? Describe what this caused the Lord Jesus to do in each case.
43. The Pathway to Glory (2)
- What is the principle of grace and how does it differ from that of the law? Why does grace expose us more than the law?
- What is the significance of Matthew 14:18 in regard to consecration and how is the matter of breaking involved? As the Lord's followers today, what is our true need as we are on this pathway to glory?
44. The Pathway to Glory (3)
- In this message we saw the Lord Jesus training the disciples to walk by faith and not by sight. What is faith as defined in this message? As our representative, what can we learn from Peter's boldness and quickness in this circumstance?
- In order to "step out of the boat and walk on the sea" what are four things we must take care of?
45. The Pathway to Glory (4)
- What is tradition and why does the Lord not care for this or any other outward practices? Why are we continually being brought back to the pure word of God?
- How can we avoid being the "people" described in Matthew 15:8-9? What in us is the heavenly ruling of the kingdom really dealing with?
46. The Pathway to Glory (5)
- In the previous message we saw that in the eyes of God, it is not a matter of outward appearance and practices but a matter of the inward reality. Explain in detail how the Lord Jesus is reconstituting our inward being and the cooperation required by us.
- Why is eating Jesus so crucial and a primary matter in the Christian life? What do we need to do to become uninhibited eaters?
47. The Pathway to Glory (6)
- What are the two crucial words in the first twelve verses of Matthew 16? Why is religious leaven so damaging to our vision of Christ and the church, and what is the danger when feeding on Christ?
- One of the greatest prophecies and revelations is revealed in Matthew 16:13-20. What is revealed here concerning Christ and the church? What is the church built upon and what is the church not built upon?
48. The Pathway to Glory (7)
- Why did the Lord reveal to His disciples His crucifixion and resurrection following the revelation of Christ and the church?
- What is the relationship between the mind, the self, the soul-life, and the cross?
49. The Miniature of the Manifestation of the Kingdom
- What does it mean to be glorified? What is the relationship between glorification, transfiguration, and the kingdom?
- Why was Peter's proposal in Matthew 17:4 against God's economy? In God's economy how is Christ the reality of the law and the prophets?
50. The Application of the Revelation and Vision Concerning Christ
- Describe the connection in our experience of these three sections in Matthew 17–transfiguration and the kingdom (vv. 14-21) and the second unveiling of the crucifixion and resurrection (vv. 22-23).
- Why was Peter tested in verses 24-27? What does this section imply about who Christ is?
51. Relationships in the Kingdom (1)
- Describe the five problems presented in Matthew 18—20 that we must take care of in order to be in the kingdom.
- What is the difference between the church revealed in Matthew 16:18 and the church revealed in Matthew 18:17? Where is the practicality and reality of the kingdom today?
52. Relationships in the Kingdom (2)
- Prove that Matthew 18—20 is not merely concerned with Christian behavior but also concerning the kingdom life.
- Why is it necessary for us to practice the way of repentance and forgiveness in the church life?
53. The Kingdom Requirements
- Explain the significance of the three incidences recorded in Matthew 19 concerning divorce, receiving little children, and loving riches. Explain how they are related.
- Is the Lord's word to the rich man in Matthew 19:16-26 about entering into eternal life concerning the kingdom or concerning salvation? Explain why entering into the kingdom of the heavens is different from being saved.
54. The Kingdom Reward and the Parable of the Kingdom Reward
- The kingdom reward is of two parts. Explain these two parts.
- What is the kingdom reward based on? What is the way to receive the kingdom reward? Explain why Peter's commercial concept regarding the kingdom reward was wrong.
55. The Throne of the Kingdom and the Cup of the Cross
- Compare the difference between the corresponding outline points and the three things Brother Lee brings out in Matthew 20:17-34. What is in the mind of the Lord and how do we revolutionize our concept?
- What is the reward of the kingdom and how do we receive it? How does this apply to our daily life?
56. The Warm Welcome of the Heavenly King, the Cleansing of the Temple, and the Cursing of the Fig Tree
- What is the significance of the Lord riding on a colt to enter Jerusalem? What does the spreading of the garments and palm branches signify in welcoming the Lord?
- What is the King's concern in cleansing the temple yet leaving to lodge in Bethany and in cursing the fig tree?
57. The Heavenly King Being Tested (1)
- What is the significance of seeing Christ as the stone to the believers, to the Jews, and to the nations?
- What does it mean to say that Christ is the cornerstone? What is God's intention in revealing Christ as the cornerstone? How do we apply this to our daily life?
58. The Heavenly King Being Tested (2)
- How does the parable of the marriage feast differ from the previous two parables? What does this parable mainly focus on?
- What does the wedding garment signify? How does Christ become our subjective righteousness in our daily life?
59. The Heavenly King Being Tested (3)
- What are the four categories of questions people have in coming to the Lord? What is the Lord's question to them?
- What does it mean that Jesus is both the Son of David and the Son of God?
60. Rebuking the Jewish Religionists and Forsaking Jerusalem with Its Temple
- What two things does the Lord Jesus speak against in rebuking the Jewish religionists? How do we escape the situation portrayed here?
- What does the Lord desire regarding the children of Jerusalem? What does it mean to the Israelites individually and corporately that the Lord forsook Jerusalem with its temple?
61. The Prophecy of the Kingdom (1)
- In 24:1-14 what nine conditions are mentioned from Christ's ascension to the consummation of the age?
- Compare the gospel of the kingdom with the gospel of grace.
62. The Prophecy of the Kingdom (2)
- What is the meaning of the term "the end of the age" in comparison to "the close of the age" or "the consummation of the age"?
- What are the aspects of and how Christ is coming to the earth?
63. The Prophecy of the Kingdom (3)
- What is the difference between being watchful and ready and being faithful and prudent?
- Under the lens of the book of Matthew, why is the word "prudence" used in verse 45 and what is the evil slave's problem in verses 45-51?
64. The Prophecy of the Kingdom (4)
- Verses 25:1-13 describe a parable of watchfulness. Using the words "prudent," "vessels," "soul," and "wedding feast," describe the process that enables the five prudent virgins to enter into the dispensational reward of the wedding feast.
- In contrast to the prudent virgins, the five foolish virgins were not allowed into the wedding feasts. Using the words "foolish," "lamps," "spirit," and "not recognized" or "not approved," describe their process that ended with missing the dispensational reward.
65. The Prophecy of the Kingdom (5)
- Describe the relationship between the Lord's possessions and our talents.
- Using Matthew 25:16-17, describe the proper way to use or invest our talents.
66. The Prophecy of the Kingdom (6)
- What is the difference between being raptured and being rewarded?
- Practically, how can we be faithful in our service to gain interest for the Lord? List three names of people you can contact this week.
67. The Prophecy of the Kingdom (7)
- How will Christ at His throne of glory separate the nations?
- Both the nations, the Jews, and the believers will inherit the kingdom. What are the different realms in which they live? What is the fundamental difference between the gospel of grace and the eternal gospel?
68. To Test All People and Establishing the Table
- As the Passover Lamb, how is the Lord Jesus a test to all the people and how does our reaction to Him reveal our attitude toward the Passover Lamb? How do we see examples of this in the three categories of people? To which category do you belong?
- Through the establishment of the Lord's table, how do we see Christ as the replacement of the Passover feast? What do the symbols signify and what is the genuine remembrance of the Lord?
69. Pressed in Gethsemane, Arrested by the Jews, Judged by the Sanhedrin, and Denied by Peter
- In Matthew 26, how do we see in Peter a black background of a life not able to live the kingdom life?
- How do we see in the Lord Jesus a bright contrast of a victorious life altogether fit and able to live the kingdom life?
70. Judged, Crucified, and Buried
- As chapter 27 reveals the kingdom being related to righteousness, how do we see the unrighteousness of the kingdom of the world exposed in verses 1-45?
- From verse 45, how do we see God's righteousness displayed, especially in light of Jesus' unrighteous crucifixion? Why was His death so effective?
71. Man's Unrighteousness and God's Righteousness
- What are two ways in which Christ turned man's unrighteousness into God's righteousness? In other words, how was the stage set for the "white" of God's righteousness to be manifested?
- What is God's kingdom built upon? How does it relate to our salvation?
72. The King's Victory
- In chapter 28 the King's victory has two aspects (resurrection and reigning). How is resurrection a matter of righteousness and a key matter in producing God's kingdom?
- Whereas John's account of resurrection was a matter of breath, Matthew's was a matter of authority. What is the difference between preaching the gospel and discipling the nations in the context of authority? Explain how baptism is needed in order to disciple the nations into the heavenly kingdom.