Preguntas de estudio

Estudio de vida de Isaiah

1. Una palabra introductoria

  1. What is the spiritual essence of Isaiah's prophecy and what is the best way to study Isaiah?
  2. What is the subject and central thought of the book of Isaiah?

2. The Salvation of Jehovah to His Beloved People and the Nations (1) Jehovah the Father's Complaint Against His Children Israel

  1. What is the difference between God's chastisement and His judgment?
  2. How does Isaiah's experience help us to understand our situation today?

3. The Salvation of Jehovah to His Beloved People and the Nations (2) Jehovah's Chastisement on His Beloved Children Israel and His Loving Exhortation and Promise to His Chastised People

  1. What is God's threefold love toward His people and how is this love related to His chastisement?
  2. According to this message, why does God chasten and discipline us?

4. The Salvation of Jehovah to His Beloved People and the Nations (3) Jehovah's Humiliating Judgment on the Haughty Nations and the Ushering in of the God-Man, Christ, Issuing in the Restoration of the Nation of Israel

  1. What is the highest point in the book of Isaiah?
  2. What is the object, purpose, way, result, and lesson of God's humiliating judgment upon the nations, and how is this judgement related to Christ?

5. A Word Concerning Christ as the Shoot of Jehovah, the Fruit of the Earth, the Canopy, and the Tabernacle

  1. What is the significance of Christ being the shoot of Jehovah and the fruit of the earth?
  2. What is the significance of Christ being the canopy and tabernacle?

6. The Salvation of Jehovah to His Beloved People and the Nations (4) The Vision of Christ in Glory and His Warning Commission to Isaiah

  1. What was the background of Isaiah's vision of Christ in glory and how can we apply this to our experience today?
  2. Describe the details of Isaiah's vision of Christ in glory. What was the result of Isaiah's seeing such a vision?

7. The Salvation of Jehovah to His Beloved People and the Nations (5) The Sign of Christ's Incarnation Given in God's Dealing with the Unbelief of Ahaz, King of Judah

  1. What is the real fulfillment of the sign given by God to Ahaz, the king of Judah?
  2. What are the details concerning Christ as Immanuel described in this message?

8. A Word Concerning the Sign of Christ's Incarnation Given to Ahaz, King of Judah

  1. In the portion concerning the sign of Christ's incarnation given to Ahaz, king of Judah, how do we see Satan's strategy to frustrate God in the carrying out of His economy?
  2. What does it mean to say that the entire New Testament is an Immanuel and that we are now part of a great Immanuel that will consummate in the New Jerusalem?

9. The Salvation of Jehovah to His Beloved People and the Nations (6) The Unveiling of Christ as the Great Light and the Wonderful One Issuing from Jehovah's Chastisement on the Kingdom of Israel and His Judgment on Assyria (1)

  1. Describe the detailed aspects concerning Christ as the great light spoken of in Isaiah 9:1-5.
  2. Describe the aspects of Christ as the wonderful One unveiled in Isaiah 9:6-7.

10. The Salvation of Jehovah to His Beloved People and the Nations (7) The Unveiling of Christ as the Great Light and the Wonderful One Issuing from Jehovah's Chastisement on the Kingdom of Israel and His Judgment on Assyria (2)

  1. According to this message, why is Isaiah chapter 10 inserted between the two wonderful chapters of Isaiah 9 and 11? How does this apply to our experience and to our preaching of the gospel?
  2. What are the contents of God's judgment on the kingdom of Israel and Assyria?

11. The Salvation to Jehovah to His Beloved People and the Nations (8) The Restoration Brought in Through Christ and the Salvation Enjoyed by Jehovah's Beloved People

  1. What are the aspects of Christ revealed in Isaiah 11? How does such a Christ relate to the restoration of God's people?
  2. What is the salvation enjoyed by Jehovah's beloved people in Isaiah 12? How can we say that the way to enjoy God's salvation in this chapter exactly matches the way revealed in the New Testament?

12. The Judgment of Jehovah Upon the Nations and Its Issue

  1. What is the only way to solve the problem's in today's world?
  2. What is the issue of God's judgment on the nations?

13. The Vision of the Economy of God Hidden in Isaiah's Prophecy

  1. What are three important matters covered in Isaiah 1—23 that this message brings out in a particular way?
  2. In this section of Isaiah, how do we see everything and everyone being "fired" by God and replaced by Christ? Why is the experience of being "fired" and replaced by Christ so important in God's economy?

14. Jehovah's Reaction to Israel's Degradation and His Reaction to the Nations' Excessive Action on Israel Issuing in Israel's Turn to Jehovah and Their Return to the Holy Land for Restoration (1)

  1. What was Jehovah's reaction to Israel's degradation?
  2. What was Jehovah's reaction to the nations' excessive action on Israel?

15. Jehovah's Reaction to Israel's Degradation and His Reaction to the Nations' Excessive Action on Israel Issuing in Israel's Turn to Jehovah and Their Return to the Holy Land for Restoration (2)

  1. What was the first issue of Jehovah's reaction to the nations' excessive action on Israel?
  2. How does the word in Isaiah 26:8a concerning waiting for Jehovah in the path of His judgments apply to us today?

16. Jehovah's Punishment Over Ephraim's Drunkards Issuing in Jehovah's Restoration and Ushering in the Trustworthy Christ and His Judgment on the Hypocrisy of Jerusalem's Worshippers Issuing in the Restoration

  1. What aspects of Christ do we see in the portion of Isaiah covered in this message?
  2. What can we learn from Jehovah's judgment on the hypocrisy of Jerusalem's worshippers?

17. Jehovah's Dealing with Israel's Reliance on Egypt and His Dealing with the Nations Issuing in Israel's Turn to Him and in His Return to Israel with the Restoration

  1. What is the "divine philosophy" in the book of Isaiah?
  2. What is the spiritual significance of the rebellious children of Israel going down to Egypt?

18. Jehovah's Destruction of the Nations for Christ to be the King to Bring in the Restoration for Israel

  1. What is the main thought in the book of Isaiah?
  2. How is Christ revealed in Isaiah 32:1-2?

19. An Example of Seeking After Jehovah and Trusting in Him (1)

  1. What is the reason for the four chapters on the life of Hezekiah being inserted at this point in the book of Isaiah?
  2. What kind of person was Hezekiah and what can we learn from this today?

20. An Example of Seeking After Jehovah and Trusting in Him (2)

  1. What is the significance of God referring to Himself as the "God of your father David" in Isaiah 38:5?
  2. What was Hezekiah's failure, and what were the factors of his failure?

21. Jehovah's Word of Comfort to Israel

  1. What is the difference between the first section of Isaiah and the second section? What is the significance of the record concerning Hezekiah being followed by the word concerning the new creation in Isaiah 40?
  2. How does Isaiah 40 unveil what man really is and what man really needs?

22. Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (1) As Typified by Cyrus the King of Persia and Israel and as a Covenant for the People and a Light for the Nations

  1. In what way are Cyrus, Israel, and Isaiah types of Christ as the Servant of Jehovah? What does it mean that today, as members of Christ, we also are types of Christ?
  2. Describe how Christ is revealed in Isaiah 42 as a covenant for the people and a light for the nations.

23. Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (2) As Typified by Cyrus to be Jehovah's Shepherd and to Fulfill All the Desires of Jehovah

  1. Cyrus was one with Christ as a servant of Jehovah in doing three things: defeating Babylon, releasing Israel, and giving the decree concerning the rebuilding of the temple. What do these three things typify?
  2. How do we see the divine dispensing in the book of Isaiah?

24. Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (3) As Typified by Cyrus to Release Jehovah's Captives of the Beloved Israel from Babylon

  1. What is an idol? How do idols eventually become a burden to us?
  2. What is the significance of Israel coming out of Babylon as described in this message?

25. Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (4) As Typified by Isaiah, the Prophet of Jehovah, for a Covenant of the People to Restore the Land

  1. Who are the three persons of the servant of Jehovah? What is the significance of each?
  2. Describe in detail the way in which Isaiah is a type of Christ in the instruction he received and the life he lived as spoken of in 50:4-9.

26. Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (5) In Relation to Jehovah's Loving Dealing with His Beloved Israel

  1. What are the matters related to Jehovah's righteousness and salvation for Israel spoken of in Isaiah 51:4-8?
  2. What is the significance of Jehovah's charge to Israel to depart from Babylon?

27. Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (6) His Dynamic Redemption Through His Vicarious Death and Reproductive Resurrection in Relation to His Being the Covenant for Israel's Security

  1. How does Isaiah 53 unveil Christ's dynamic redemption through His vicarious death and reproductive resurrection?
  2. How does Isaiah 54 reveal Christ's dynamic redemption through His vicarious death and reproductive resurrection in relation to His being the covenant for Israel's security?

28. Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (7) His Being an Eternal Covenant to Israel, Even the Sure Mercies Shown to David, in Relation to Israel's Prosperity

  1. What is the most striking word in Isaiah 55, and what is the significance of Christ being the sure mercies shown to David?
  2. How do we see God's economy in Isaiah 55:6-13?

29. Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (8) The Evil Condition and the Need of the Wicked of the House of Jacob Who Have Nothing to do with Christ as the Servant of Jehovah

  1. What is the real meaning of keeping the Sabbath and fasting?
  2. In Isaiah 58:9b-14 Jehovah instructs the house of Jacob to remove the yoke from their midst, the pointing of the finger and the speaking of wickedness, and to draw out their soul to the hungry and satisfy the desires of the afflicted. How can we apply this to the church life today?

30. Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (9) As the Redeemer to Save Jacob from Their Sins and Iniquities and Become Israel's Light and Glory Forever

  1. What was Isaiah's aspiration? How does this relate to being "fired" and replaced by Christ?
  2. In the portions of Isaiah covered in this message, how do we see the divine dispensing issuing in God's people being glorified and beautified with Christ as their light and glory?

31. Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (10) The Ministry of the Anointed of Jehovah, Christ as the Servant of Jehovah, Issuing in the Restoration of Israel

  1. How is the ministry of Christ as the Anointed of Jehovah described in Isaiah 61:1-3?
  2. What does it mean to say that the coming of Christ has not been completed?

32. Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (11) The Second Coming of Christ as the Servant of Jehovah, Bringing in the Restoration of Israel and of All Things, which Consummates in the New Heaven and New Earth

  1. How do the final three chapters of Isaiah reveal Christ's second coming and the restoration of all things?
  2. How does Isaiah 66 reveal the restoration of all things issuing in the new heavens and the new earth?

33. Christ Being the Shoot of Jehovah and the Fruit of the Earth

  1. What is the significance of Christ being the shoot of Jehovah and the fruit of the earth? In particular, what does it mean to say that Christ as the shoot of Jehovah is for the branching out of Jehovah God, in His divinity, into humanity, and that He as the fruit of the earth is for the multiplicaiton and reproduction of the divine life in humanity?
  2. What is the significance of Christ being the canopy of glory and the tabernacle of grace? What are the requirements for partaking of Christ revealed in Isaiah 4?

34. Christ Seen in His Divine Glory with His Human Virtues Held in His Holiness

  1. How does Isaiah 6 reveal Christ in His glory, His holiness, and His righteousness with His human virtues?
  2. How is Isaiah's being commissioned and sent by Jehovah related to the vision of Christ in His glory and holiness with His human virtues?

35. A Child of Both the Divine and Human Natures Born of a Human Virgin and a Son in the Divine Nature Given by the Eternal Father

  1. How do we see Christ as the God-man with His dual nature, the divine nature and the human nature, in the first nine chapters of Isaiah, particularly chapters 7 and 9?
  2. Describe the experience of Christ as the human child, Emmanuel, the Son given, the eternal Father, the wonderful Counselor, the mighty God, the eternal Father, and the Prince of peace.

36. A Sanctuary to the Positive Ones and a Stone to Strike Against, a Rock of Stumbling, a Trap, and a Snare to the Negative Ones

  1. What is the significance of Christ being a sanctuary to the positive ones? How does this relate to the New Jerusalem?
  2. What is the significance of Christ being a stone to strike against, a rock of stumbling, a trap, and a snare to the negative ones?

37. The Great Light for the Shining in Darkness and for the Release from Bondage

  1. Why is light the key to life? How does Isaiah reveal Christ as the great light?
  2. How is the experience of Christ as the great light experientially related to our being freed from bondage? Describe this experience.

38. A Twig from the Stem of Jesse and a Branch from the Roots of Jesse Bringing in the Restoration of Life and a Banner to the Peoples and a Standard to the Nations Bringing in the Return of God's people and the Submission of the Gentiles (1)

  1. What is the significance of Christ being a twig from the stem of Jesse and a branch from the roots of Jesse?
  2. How is this aspect of Christ related to restoration and revival, and how is it related to God's administration?

39. A Twig from the Stem of Jesse and a Branch from the Roots of Jesse Bringing in the Restoration of Life and a Banner to the Peoples and a Standard to the Nations Bringing in the Return of God's people and the Submission of the Gentiles (2)

  1. What kind of power is in Christ as the twig and the branch? How can we apply this to our experience?
  2. What is the significance of Christ being a banner to the peoples and a standard to the nations? How is this related both to the coming age and to our preaching of the gospel?

40. The Springs of Salvation

  1. Taking Isaiah 12 as the starting point, while also using other portions of Scripture, prepare a brief word concerning the fountain of salvation, the springs of salvation, and the flow of salvation.
  2. According to the Scripture, how practically can we breathe and drink the Lord?

41. The King Reigning in the Tent of David, the Eternal Rock, a Savior—a Defender, and a Teacher

  1. What is the significance of Christ being the King reigning in the tent of David. What does this aspect of Christ have to do with us?
  2. What is the significance of Christ being the eternal rock, a Savior—a Defender, and a Teacher?

42. What Christ is as the Steward in the House of God, Typified by Eliakim

  1. What are the six aspect of Christ revealed in the type of Eliakim as the steward in God's house?
  2. What does it mean that Christ as our Eliakim should replace everything and everyone in God's economy?

43. A Crown of Glory and a Diadem of Beauty; a Stone as a Foundation, a Tested Stone, and a Precious Cornerstone; and a King Like a Refuge, a Covering, Streams of Water, and the Shadow of a Massive Rock

  1. What is the significance of Christ being a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty? What is the significance of Him being a stone as a foundation, a tested stone, and a precious cornerstone?
  2. What is the significance of Christ being a King like a refuge, a covering, streams of water, and the shadow of a massive rock?

44. Jehovah the Savior

  1. How does Isaiah 40 prophecy Christ as the one ushered in by John the Baptist?
  2. What are the five aspects of the glad tidings in Isaiah 40? In addition, how can we see the steps of the God-ordained way in this chapter?

45. The Servant of Jehovah as Typified by Cyrus the King of Persia, by Israel, and by Isaiah the Prophet

  1. How are Cyrus, Israel, and Isaiah all types of Christ as the Servant of Jehovah? How were they related to the building up of the temple, God's dwelling place on earth, and how does this relate to the church today?
  2. What did Cyrus, Israel, and Isaiah do as types of Christ as the Servant of Jehovah? What does this signify?

46. The Servant of Jehovah as a Covenant to the People and a Light to the Nations

  1. What is the significance of Christ as the Servant of Jehovah being a covenant to the people and a light to the nations?
  2. Concerning Christ as the Servant of Jehovah, what was His source and what was His qualification? What was His commission?

47. The Servant of Jehovah as a Covenant to the People and a Light to the Nations to be God's Full Salvation

  1. Why did Christ need to be given to us by God as a covenant?
  2. What does it mean to say that God's full salvation is based on His righteousness and consummated in His life? What is the way to receive and enjoy such a full salvation of God?

48. The Servant of Jehovah as the Arm of Jehovah, the Reigning God, and the Exalted Christ in Relation to Israel's Return and Restoration

  1. How does the book of Isaiah reveal Christ as the Arm of Jehovah?
  2. How does the book of Isaiah reveal the exalted Christ?

49. The Servant of Jehovah Revealed in the New Testament Economy

  1. What are the deeper items of Christ as the depths of God?
  2. How do Isaiah 52 and 53 reveal Christ as the servant of Jehovah in the New Testament economy? How does Isaiah 53 bear the color, taste, and atmosphere of the New Testament?

50. The All-Inclusive Christ in His Four Stages According to God's New Testament Economy (1)

  1. How does Isaiah 53 reveal Christ in the stage of His incarnation?
  2. How does Isaiah 53 reveal Christ in the stage of His crucifixion?

51. The All-Inclusive Christ in His Four Stages According to God's New Testament Economy (2)

  1. How does Isaiah 53 reveal Christ in the stage of His resurrection?
  2. What are the items that issue from Christ's resurrection?

52. The All-Inclusive Christ in His Four Stages According to God's New Testament Economy (3)

  1. How does Isaiah 53 reveal Christ in the stage of His ascension?
  2. What does the ascension of Christ consummate in?

53. The Servant of Jehovah as the Sure Mercies of David, a Redeemer to Zion, and the Light to Israel

  1. What is the significance of Christ being the sure mercies shown to David?
  2. What is the significance of Christ being a Redeemer to Zion and the light of Israel?

54. The Servant of Jehovah as the Anointed of Jehovah as the Angel of the Presence of Jehovah for the Restoration of Israel Unto the New Heavens and the New Earth

  1. What is the significance of Christ being the Anointed of Jehovah?
  2. What is the last aspect of Christ in the book of Isaiah, and what is its significance?