Preguntas de estudio

Estudio de vida de Deuteronomy

1. Una palabra introductoria

  1. What is the meaning of the word "Deuteronomy," and what is the spiritual significance of this? How does Deuteronomy, as a concluding word of the law, consider God's law?
  2. What is the central thought of the book of Deuteronomy, and what are the key words in this book?

2. The Crucial Points

  1. Explain how when we put Deuteronomy 30:11-14 together with Romans 10:6-8 we have a full picture concerning Christ.
  2. What are the crucial points in the book of Deuteronomy? Explain in particular how this book speaks both about the love of God and the governmental administration of God.

3. A Review of the Past (1)

  1. Explain how in the book of Deuteronomy God is manifested, man is exposed, and Christ is presented.
  2. What is the benefit of reviewing the past and what is the governing thought of reviewing the past?

4. A Review of the Past (2)

  1. Explain what it means that the purpose of the children of Israel's wandering years was to consume man's flesh and unbelief and to manifest God's mercy and blessing.
  2. How did God's dealing with Moses show God's righteous governmental administration and cause the children of Israel to have more fear of God's righteous dealing?

5. Deuteronomy—a Book Concerning Christ

  1. What are the two main aspects of Christ that the book of Deuteronomy unveils?
  2. What is the solution to God's manifestation and our being exposed? Where can we go for help? Also, what does it mean to live, act, behave, and work in Christ and by Christ?

6. The Rehearsal of the Law (1)

  1. How do we see the Divine Trinity in the book of Deuteronomy, and how can we say that this book is an extract of the entire Bible?
  2. What is the significance of the ten commandments being written on two stone tablets? Also, what is the significance of the commandment to honor our parents being included on the first tablet?

7. The Rehearsal of the Law (2)

  1. How can we enjoy God's loving of us, blessing us, and multiplying us today?
  2. In the New Testament fulfillment of the Old Testament type, what is the significance of keeping the whole law and living by every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God?

8. The Rehearsal of the Law (3)

  1. Explain why it is important for us to have a proper fear of God.
  2. What does it mean to walk in God's ways, and what does this have to do with the New Jerusalem?

9. The Rehearsal of the Law (4)

  1. Explain the meaning of Deuteronomy 11:12.
  2. How can we love the Lord according to the particular speaking in this message?

10. The Rehearsal of the Law (5)

  1. What is the stress and the serious warning in Deuteronomy 12?
  2. What are the four ways in which Deuteronomy 12 corresponds to the revelation in the New Testament? Also, what are the two crucial things that we must learn concerning our meeting for the worship of God?

11. God's Choice—the Definite Ground for the Worship of God

  1. Why was Moses so definite in chapter twelve about the requirement to come to the place of God's choice?
  2. What does it mean to meet in the name of the Lord Jesus, in our spirit, and with the cross?

12. The Rehearsal of the Law (6)

  1. What is the meaning of apostasy? What is the difference between apostasy and being wrong in doctrine?
  2. As Christians, in what way should we be strict and in what way should we be general?

13. A Word Concerning Division and Apostasy

  1. Why do we need to be warned regarding heresy and division? How do these two things damage God's economy?
  2. How can you discern whether or not a person is transmitting the germs of division?

14. The Rehearsal of the Law (7)

  1. What is the significance of the matter of the holy diet? Also, what is the spiritual significance of not boiling a kid in its mother's milk?
  2. What is the significance of the portions in Deuteronomy that touch on the aid to the needy?

15. The Rehearsal of the Law (8)

  1. What is the significance of the servant whose ear was bored through with an awl?
  2. What do the statutes and judgments concerning aid to the needy indicate?

16. The Rehearsal of the Law (9)

  1. What is the relationship between the tithe and fearing God?
  2. What are the seven points covered in this message that show us the proper way to worship God?

17. The Rehearsal of the Law (10)

  1. What do we see concerning the divine government among God's people in Deuteronomy?
  2. What is the significance of the king writing out for himself a copy of the law and reading in it all the days of his life?

18. The Rehearsal of the Law (11)

  1. What is the significance of the one who was cursed and hanged on the tree?
  2. What is the significance of the judgments on matters related to marriage? What is the particular significance of the word "indecency" in 24:1?

19. The Rehearsal of the Law (12)

  1. What is the spiritual significance of "kidnapping" someone?
  2. What is the significance of the judgment on a dispute brought before the children of Israel and the judgment over a brother who was not willing to do the duty of a husband's brother?

20. The Rehearsal of the Law (13)

  1. What points concerning Christ can we see in the portions of Deuteronomy covered in this message?
  2. What are the six points in three pairs covered in this message?

21. The Rehearsal of the Law (14)

  1. What is the relationship between the matters of fighting in 20:1-20 and the birthright in 21:15-17?
  2. According to this message, what is the principle found throughout the book of Deuteronomy?

22. The Rehearsal of the Law (15)

  1. What is the significance of the word in 22:1-4, 8 concerning taking care of others' interests?
  2. What can we see concerning God in the matters covered in this message?

23. The Rehearsal of the Law (16)

  1. What do we see from the word concerning a man taking a new wife in 24:5?
  2. What are the governing principles of one's behavior implied in this section and what do all the rehearsed statutes and judgments speak forth concerning God?

24. Warning (Implying Grace) (1)

  1. What is the significance of the altar of stones, the burnt offerings and peace offerings, and the children of Israel eating and rejoicing there?
  2. What is the reason that the altar was prepared before the curses were declared? How does this apply to us as believers?

25. Warning (Implying Grace) (2)

  1. What do the curses in Deuteronomy reveal concerning God? How can we see the fulfillment of these things in the history of Israel?
  2. What should our response and attitude in response to these curses be as believers?

26. Christ in Deuteronomy—the Monument, the Altar, and the Offerings

  1. What is the significance of the monument, the altar, and the offerings?
  2. How is the wonderful scene regarding the monument, the altar, and the offerings related to the entry into the good land?

27. The Enactment of the Covenant

  1. What are the main points concerning the enactment of the covenant covered in Deuteronomy 29—30?
  2. What is the signficance of Moses' concluding word in 30:11-20?

28. The Final Exhortation and Charges

  1. What are the main points of Moses' final exhortation to the children of Israel?
  2. What was Moses' concern for the children of Israel, and how is what is portrayed regarding Israel a picture of us today?

29. The Song of Moses

  1. What are the main points of the song of Moses?
  2. What was Moses' greatest concern for the children of Israel?

30. The Blessing of Moses and the Death of Moses, and His Successor

  1. What is the significance of the blessing of Moses to each of the tribes of Israel, and what are the main points of Moses' concluding word to all the people of Israel general?
  2. What are the four particular matters implied in Deuteronomy?