Preguntas de estudio
Estudio de vida de 1 & 2 Kings
1. Una palabra introductoria
- What is the intrinsic revelation of the books of history in the Old Testament from Joshua to Esther and what is the main striking point of the historical books concerning Israel?
- Explain how the two books of Kings present us a full picture of the details by which God's elect remained in and participated in the good land. How does this relate to our Christian life today? In addition, what is the central thought of the book of 1 and 2 Kings?
2. The Old Age and Decease of David
- What are the key points concerning the old age and decease of David?
- How is the account of the old age and decease of David a warning to us today?
3. The Reign of Solomon (1)
- What is the significance of the names of Solomon?
- What are the key points concerning Solomon's failure and seeking for God presented in this message? How do these matters show us that God's dealing with His people is very strict and very detailed?
4. The Reign of Solomon (2)
- As we read the account of Solomon's glory, how do we see the factors that would later contribute to his family's losing the kingdom? In addition, what is the difference and contrast between the wisdom of Solomon and the wisdom revealed in the New Testament?
- How should we, as New Testament believers, properly view Solomon? Why should we not overly appreciate him?
5. The Reign of Solomon (3)
- What is the significance of the materials with which the temple was built?
- What is the spiritual significance of the temple and all the details concerning the temple presented in this message?
6. The Reign of Solomon (4)
- What is the significance of Solomon's palaces built in association with God's dwelling?
- What is the significance of Solomon's prayer? In addition, what does Solomon and the temple he built for God typify?
7. The Reign of Solomon (5)
- What are the key points concerning Solomon's peak of glory in his kingdom and Solomon's fall?
- Describe how we should view Solomon under the light of the spiritual life.
8. The Division of the Kingdom of Israel and the Reigns of Rehoboam Over Judah and of Jeroboam Over Israel
- What were the factors of the children of Israel's rebellion against Rehoboam?
- What was the sin of Jeraboam and what is this sin a type of?
9. The Reigns of Abijam and Asa Over Judah and of Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, and Omri Over Israel and the Reign of Ahab Over Israel (1)
- Why is it crucial for us to touch the books of history in relation to God's economy?
- What are two key words concerning the reigns of the kings covered in this message?
10. The Reign of Ahab Over Israel (2)
- What were the key points concerning Elijah's ministry? How does Elijah compare with Paul, and how should this affect our view of Elijah today?
- What is the significance of the story in which God spoke to Elijah upon the mountain in a gentle, quiet voice?
11. The Reign of Ahab Over Israel (3) and the Reign of Jehoshaphat Over Judah
- What are the main points concerning the reign and death of Ahab?
- How do we see God's mercy and sovereignty in His dealing with Ahab?
12. The Reign of Ahazia Over Israel and the Rapture of Elijah
- What do Elijah and Elisha typify?
- What is the significance of Elijah's rapture and the details that preceded it?
13. Elisha's Ministry of Grace
- What is the particular significance of Elijah and Elisha as presented in this message?
- What is the significance of the key points in Elisha's ministry of grace?
14. The Reign of Jehoram Over Israel
- What is the significance of Elisha instructing Jehoram to prepare a feast for the army of Ben-hadad?
- How do we see that in his ministry Elisha behaved himself as God's representative on the earth?
15. The Reigns of Jehoram and Ahaziah Over Judah and the Reign of Jehu Over Israel
- Of what is Jezebel a type and a shadow?
- What is the significance of the pitiful ending of Jezebel?
16. The Reigns of Athaliah and Joash Over Judah
- What are the key points concerning the reigns of Athaliah and Joash over Judah?
- In reading the history of the kings and considering what is portrayed by the types, what is the main thing that we see? How does this relate to the church life today?
17. The Reigns of Jehoahaz, Jehoash, and Jeroboam Over Israel and of Amaziah Over Judah
- What is the significance of the fact that when when he had died Elisha's body could enliven people?
- What is the relationship between the Old Testament history and the fulfillment of God's economy in the New Testament?
18. The Reigns of Azariah, Jotham, and Ahaz Over Judah and of Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, and Pekah Over Israel
- What is the significance of Azariah's becoming a leper?
- What is the link between the Old Testament books of history and the New Testament?
19. The Reign of Hoshea Over Israel
- What are the key points concerning the reign of Hoshea over Israel and Israel's being carried away into captivty in Assyria?
- What is the central matter in God's economy, and how should this affect our Christian walk today?
20. The reign of Hezekiah Over Judah
- What are the good points concerning Hezekiah, and what are the points concerning his failure?
- Prepare a brief prophecy concerning God's economy based on the contents of the word toward the end of this message.
21. The Reigns of Manasseh, Amon, and Josiah Over Judah
- What are the key points concenring the reigns of Manasseh, Amon, and Josiah over Judah?
- Explain how the essence of the typology of the Old Testament history is God's economy with Christ and His Body as the center and reality.
22. The Reigns of Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah Over Judah and the Governing of Gedaliah
- What are the key points concerning the reigns of Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah over Judah and the governing of Gedaliah?
- Why is it so crucial for us as believers to live in resurrection, and what does it mean to live in resurrection?
23. A Concluding Word of the Life-Study of the History of the Kings Among Israel
- What is the history of the kings of Judah and Israel a picture of, and what was the root of the evil of the evil kings?
- What is the serious warning to us as the New Testament believers conveyed through the pitiful history of the kings? What is the significance of being a king in God's economy?