Cita Ministerial Semanal #4

Cita Semanal del Ministerio #4 “Cuando comenzamos a leer los Estudios-vida, no debemos esperar leer ocho o diez mensajes por día. Esto provocará indigestión espiritual. Es mejor leer medio mensaje por día. A este ritmo, sólo se necesitarán de seis a siete años para terminar los mil doscientos mensajes.…

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Cita Ministerial Semanal #3

Cita Semanal del Ministerio #3 “La palabra del Señor entre nosotros no es escasa. Volumen tras volumen de Estudios-vida han abierto los veintisiete libros del Nuevo Testamento. Mientras dediquemos unos minutos cada mañana a leer dos o tres versículos con sus notas al pie y de tres a cinco párrafos de un mensaje relacionado del Estudio-vida,…

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Cita semanal del ministerio #2

Cita semanal del ministerio #2 “Una de mis cargas al completar el estudio-vida de toda la Biblia fue resolver los problemas comunes y difíciles de la Biblia y abrir cada libro de la Biblia. Si tiene una pregunta y busca las notas al pie de página en la Versión Recobro o en los mensajes del Estudio-vida, puede…

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Weekly Ministry Quote #1

Weekly Ministry Quote #1 “I have the assurance that if you would get into the Life-study messages continually, you will be different after fifty days. Any message from any book, such as Genesis, Exodus, Matthew, or Revelation, is good for your study. Just go to the Life-study messages.” (CWWL, 1984, vol. 2, p. 324. Living…

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Testimony from Antony

Testimony from Antony “Through the Life-studies, my appreciation and understanding of the Bible have abounded. They have helped me to read and view the Bible with the view of God’s economy. Many a time, I’ve felt my inward need has been met and supplied while I read a Life-study message….Life-study is a part of my…

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Testimonio de AT

Testimony from A.T. “The Life-studies have clarified my understanding of the Lord, what He is doing, and also my Christian experience in the Lord and in the Body of Christ. The Life-studies have grounded me by ministering the Word in a way that has enabled me to endure and press on in the church in…

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Testimony from a retired brother

Testimony from a retired brother “When I was new I read Life-studies one after another. Now I read them in smaller amounts but with the Lord, to gain His utterance while looking at cross-references and footnotes in the Bible.”   – a retired brother (Germany)

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Testimony from Sister Rose

Testimony from Sister Rose “I find with all things in life, my capacity to read has ebbed and flowed, but I continue to read. When I am struggling to understand and absorb the material, I try to slow down and I simply tell the Lord, ‘I’m here and I’m reading to gain You. Even If…

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Testimony from C.R.

Testimony from C.R. “I find with all things in life, my capacity to read has ebbed and flowed, but I continue to read. When I am struggling to understand and absorb the material, I try to slow down and I simply tell the Lord, ‘I’m here and I’m reading to gain You. Even If I…

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Testimony from Jeremy

Testimony from Jeremy “I highly recommend creating a schedule, having something tangible. Scheduling your Life-study reading allows you to visualize your progress. When you “fail” at reading, the tangible schedule will allow you keep going, picking up where you left off. Realize that doing something is better than doing nothing.”   – Jeremy Suh (job-dropping…

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